Real Rucking

I have been asked many times to do something on fitness. I have written about realistic combat/SHTF fitness in ‘Contact‘ but other than that I’m not a personal fitness trainer so I will stay more towards the rucking/tactical side of fitness rather than the “how many reps in the gym” side. Here is a post […]

Operation Red Wings

“It’s not the critic that counts, but the man in the ring with the blood on his face.” Several people have emailed me the link to an article in the Captains Journal and asked me to comment. The article is titled: ‘A Marine Corps View Of Tactics In Operation Red Wings‘ and is actually pretty interesting. […]

*2014 Class Schedule*

I have added multiple classes and filled out the schedule for the remainder of 2014: CRCD = Combat Rifle / Contact Drills: 2 day class Combat Patrol: 3 day class. CRCD is a prerequisite. CRCD + Combat Patrol: Combination 5 day class. 2014: Jan 18 – 20:  Combat Patrol (MLK Weekend) Feb 01 – 02:  CRCD Feb 22 – 23: […]

‘Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises’

‘Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises’ Designed as a companion read to ‘Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival‘, ‘Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises‘ is an exciting novel, intended as a vehicle to bring to life tactical reality. It is the first in a series: the sequel, ‘Patriot Rising’ is forecast to be published before […]

‘Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival’

‘Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival’ Whether you are interested in simply keeping your family alive through a natural disaster or collapse event, or operating as Resistance to enemies foreign and domestic, this Manual gives you the information that you need. REVISED & EXPANDED SECOND EDITION This manual is the result of a […]

Combat Patrol: Update

The first three day Combat Patrol Class is running on Saturday 18 Jan thru Monday 20 Jan 2014 (i.e. next weekend). I just had a cancellation so we are at 8 students. I was in two minds putting out this announcement: 8 is an ideal number, two teams of 4. The maximum number for the class […]

The Nature of Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England

More History & Heritage. Copied from HERE: The Nature of Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England Training ða þær Byrhtnoð ongan beornas trymian, rad and rædde, rincum tæhte hu hi sceoldon standan and þone stede healdan, and bæd þæt hyra randas rihte heoldon fæste mid folman, and ne forhtedon na. Then Byrhtnoth began to arrange his warriors […]

Anglo-Saxon military organization

From Wikipedia: Anglo-Saxon military organization is difficult to analyze because there are many conflicting records and opinions as to the precise occurrences and procedures. Anglo-Saxon England was known for its tumultuous nature and the constant presence of outside threats and dangers made it necessary for a solid military to be constantly in place. However, in spite of this, […]

The Social Context of Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England

History & Heritage. Copied from HERE: The Social Context of Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England Geongne æþeling sceolan gode gesiðas byldan to beaduwe and to beahgife The young prince shall good companions encourage to battle and to ring-giving. (Gnomic Verse) It is impossible to fully understand warfare in isolation from its social context, as war is […]

Combat Patrol: Warning Order

COMBAT PATROL Warning Order Area of Operations: Ops Box ‘Tiger’: approx. 5 miles to the west of Romney, West Virginia SITUATION 1. General: (This follows directly from the events recounted in ‘Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises‘). Following the failed assault on Washington D.C. by Southern Federation Forces, the Shenandoah Freefor Resistance Company has evacuated the […]