
AAR #1: TC3/CRCD 14-16 Mar 2014 – JeffSags

MVT_Class_Photo_Mar 15 A

I had the good fortune to attend my second CRCD class the weekend of March 15-16. This was also the first time MVT offered the TC3 class. Before I offer my thoughts on the classes and my reasons for returning a second time, I want to point out that Max’s professionalism and enthusiasm are clearly evident. It is apparent that Max is very knowledgeable and cares a great deal about the subject matter he is teaching. Max’s patience is also greatly appreciated.

The Tactical Combat Casualty Care class or TC3 included approximately 8 hours of instruction. Max (a Combat Medic) managed to condense 16 weeks worth of information into an easy to understand one day class. A tremendous amount of information was presented, but at no point did I, or any other attendee, feel overwhelmed. By the end of the day, we received a level of instruction equivalent to an Army Combat Life Saver. Now, I realize that in no way am I a qualified medical anything, but I do feel I have a foundation of skills to build upon. I am more confident in my ability to render aid to my family or buddies, should something unfortunate occur and at the end of the day isn’t that what really matters? TC3, like CRCD followed a crawl, walk, run approach. We started with schoolhouse instruction, but ended the day dragging our buddies by the battle belt and rendering simulated care.
I decided to return for a second go at CRCD for a number of reasons. I attended my first CRCD in August and I walked away from that class with the realization that “I can do this!” You see, I was overweight and knew that more PT was in my future. Since then I have lost 30 pounds. Returning in better shape only enhanced the experience. Running through the first CRCD really motivated me to become fit and returning for the second CRCD allowed me to test my new level of fitness.

Having addressed the movement portion of, move, communicate, fire I wanted to improve my initial Return Fire accuracy (return fire, take cover, return appropriate fire). Admittedly, I struggled with this on day one. Nerves, adrenaline, arrogance, whatever it was I literally danced around during some of the early drills and was upset with myself. The feedback and motivation from some classmates (Ernie and Mark!) helped to remind me that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I slowed down, calmed down and was much more pleased with my progress and production from that point on. While there is still much to be done, and many dry fire sessions of “ready ups” to be had, I did see improvement throughout the weekend.

Max is constantly making improvements to his facility. His 100 acre training site has undergone a multitude of changes over the last 6 months. None of the drills I preformed felt repetitive or old. There were new surprises around every corner (and holler)! Max also talked at length, during down time, about his plans for additional renovations. These planned renovations place Max at the forefront of tactical self-defense instruction for civilians. The improvements will provide students with the most realistic training scenarios and contact drills possible.

I am drawn to the community building (not to be confused with community organizing!) aspect of the classes. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and training with everyone. I was genuinely impressed with the knowledge, skills and backgrounds of all participants. I was equally impressed by everyone’s ability and effort. Safety was paramount and I honestly had no reservations about attending a second class. Safety was addressed early and often by Max and at no time did I ever feel unsafe. In fact, I was so confident in Max and the students that I was more concerned with terrain related injuries than anything else. I mean that as a compliment to all. Max, his facility and the students it attracts have earned my respect and admiration and I will be back for a Combat Patrol class!

Discussion over at the MVT Forum HERE
