Tactical Classes

Classes specialized in the teaching of combat proven, adapted, legitimate light infantry tactics, techniques and procedures.

Tactical Training Classes

Max Velocity Tactical classes specialize in the teaching of combat proven, adapted, legitimate light infantry tactics, techniques and procedures. Training is informed by a background and experience in SOF / elite forces, and additionally by close protection / paramilitary contracting work. These classes are the real deal, and the tactics, techniques and procedures are familiar to any graduate of Ranger School or SFQC. Tactical classes are not simply a regurgitation of basic military manuals or training, but are adapted to the students whether civilian, military, or contractor, based on real world operational experience in hostile / combat environments.

How to train with Max Velocity Tactical

For currently scheduled classes click on the link below:


Join the FORUM and improve your tactical knowledge. Essential pre-training reading is here:

Compilation of Observations on Gear / Classes by Scott (‘First Sergeant’).

Range Safety for Classes

Scroll down to view our Training Classes

Student Class Reviews

Classes Offered

Tactical Training

Hostile Environment Advanced Tactics 1 (HEAT 1) is a four day class designed to teach you the tactical skills to survive a hostile environment.

H.E.A.T. 1 Combat Tactics

HEAT 1 Combat Tactics

Hostile Environment Advanced Tactics 2 (HEAT 2) is a four day class which progress from the HEAT 1 class, covering Tactics, Techniques & Procedures (TTPs) to interdict and protect from hostile threats.

H.E.A.T. 2 Combat Patrol

HEAT 2 Combat Patrol

HEAT Reconnaissance is a three-day class focusing in detail on the planning and conduct of the reconnaissance patrol.

HEAT Reconnaissance

HEAT Reconnaissance

Two day class, utilizing Airsim, focusing on trench clearance techniques and procedures. An excellent class for teaching not only the basics of trench clearance, but also communication, teamwork and leadership. This is a cross-over class utilizing a combination of skills taught in small unit tactics and close quarter battle classes, where the student is immersed in the crucible of complex trench clearance.

Trench (Strongpoint) Assault

HEAT Trench Assault

Hostile Environment Advanced Tactics - Force on Force (HEAT FOF) classes involve the practical application of team based tactics in realistic team on team tactical training scenarios.

H.E.A.T. FOF Squad Tactics

HEAT Squad tactics

Hostile Environment Advanced Tactics - CQB (HEAT CQB) is a rigorous 4 day class, designed to take the student from the basics through advanced structure entry and clearance techniques.

Close Quarter Battle Course (CQBC)

HEAT Close Quarter Battle

NIGHT OPERATIONS is a biannual class held at the start and end of the year. This is a two-night class held over a Friday and Saturday night which is primarily nocturnal in nature. This class combines training developed over previous MVT Classes and combines it into full night operations.

H.E.A.T. Night Operations

HEAT Night Operations

Options for Mobile / Private Firearms Training at your location or the VTC!

Mobile / Private Tactical Training

Mobile / Private Tactical Training

This is a hybrid advanced class that does not conform specifically to the MVT standard training curriculum. This general class theme and curriculum was a huge success for the alumni taking part. This class should be viewed as an annual training event where students travel from as far away as Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, Kentucky etc.

Texas Alumni Live Fire

Texas Alumni Live Fire

Training Opportunities With Max Velocity Tactical

MVT offers a schedule of open enrollment classes. Training opportunities will be posted in the MVT Student Training Club on the MVT Forum:


MVT will run any class for a private group, at the Velocity Training Center, for a standard daily rate. Email: info@maxvelocitytactical.com

Training Classes

MVT offers unique and unsurpassed corporate events, utilizing AirSim training rifles for structured force on force training. Email: info@maxvelocitytactical.com.

Training Classes

MVT will run standard or tailored classes at any location in the US for a standard daily rate. For mobile class booking information, see THIS LINK.

Training Classes

MVT has historically hosted SOF units at the Velocity Training Center, for a standard affordable daily rate. Take advantage of tailored training classes, or simply utilize the excellent facility to achieve your team training objectives. Email: info@maxvelocitytactical.com.

Training Calendar

Tactical class Physical Prerequisites

Due to the nature of the training, in real combat tactics, a basic level of physical fitness is required for all tactical classes that move off the square range. You need to have a basic level of physical fitness and agility, as well as be mentally alert. See the MVT Functional Fitness Assessment under the training tab, top menu.

Accommodation / Facilities

As part of the information packet sent to you once you make the deposit to secure your place, there is a list of local hotels / motels and campsites. The KoolWink motel in Romney is affordable and popular with students.


We offer camping on-site. It is basic backwoods camping with no electric. the campsite is next to the main parking area. there is a porta-potty, fire pit, charcoal grill, solar shower stall and some picnic tables. Co-located at the campsite is the team cabin, a 36′ x 16′ utility building which offers electric, HVAC, refrigeration and a weather protected classroom / operations area.

Note: Due to pre-deployment training for Special Military Units being conducted at the VTC, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule classes at the VTC with 30 days notice.