New Trench Strongpoint + Site Improvements
This past weekend was the Recon Class and I took the opportunity to rent a 11,000lb excavator and did 16 hours of work on the Thursday / Friday to put in the trench system concept and also improve the site and roads. It was well worth the expenditure on the rental excavator. I have talked […]
Infantry Assault: Flanking vs ‘Saloon Door’
The primary teaching in the UK and US military is to use the flank to assault an enemy position. At least that used to be the case before everything was dumbed down to simply assaulting forwards to reduce the complexity of the art of infantry warfare. There are many advantages to using the flank. What […]
Tactical Use of Terrain: To Survive and Win!
A discussion on terrain analysis. This is a somewhat large topic. One thing I will say straight up front is that these topics are covered in detail in my ‘Tactical Manual: Small Unit Tactics.’ I am going to concentrate on the offense. Mainly because I have covered defense, types of terrain and the principles of defense […]
Moving By Vehicle in High Threat Environments
The intent of this article is to act as an introduction with some thoughts and primers for moving your family or group in high threat environments. It is not intended to give all the answers and that would be beyond the scope of this short piece. The type of environment envisioned is a post-collapse situation […]
Review: HEAT 1 Combat Tactics May 2024: Pete
I have been a regular MVT class attendee for the past few years, and for this course I brought my two sons (15 and 22) with me. While I was more interested in the training my sons would receive, it was also a good refresher for me on all the fundamentals that MVT teaches. The […]
Review: HEAT 1 Combat Tactics May 2024 – Carter
With the world in the state that its in, I realized the need to learn the skills necessary to protect my family and my community from bad actors. But as a young father of two with zero military experience to build on, I was limited on both the amount of time and money I could […]
Long Term Security and Defense of your Retreat Location
In this article I will discuss long term security and defense of your retreat location. We cannot predict now exactly what conditions will look like after a collapse and as such I urge you not to make too many assumptions based on your particular idea of what such a post-SHTF situation will look like. The […]
Alumni Weekend July 20-21 + Trench System Concept
We have an alumni weekend planned for the weekend of July 20-21. Alumni = completion of HEAT 1 Combat Tactics live fire. The concept for this weekend was for it to be two days only, easier for most folks to get to. It would follow the training plan that we use for the Night Operations […]
Drilling Down on the Concept of Group Defense in a Threat Environment
The purpose of this post is to look deeper into the concept of group defense in a high threat or collapse environment, by beginning the discussion and then throwing it open to cooperation. Many minds are greater than one. This is a hard one, for a number of reasons. Those reasons are the aspects which […]
Review: HEAT 1 Combat Tactics April: BP
If you are going to train with your rifle, it’s because you can conceive of a case where you would need to use it. There may have been a time when you thought you, with your rifle and enough high-speed training, might be sufficient to the task. If you are paying attention, you understand that […]