Remaining Training Classes 2018 + Scheduling for 2019

We have several classes coming up to finish off the 2018 training year. All classes have at least a couple of spaces available. Direct Action (Ambush / Raid) November 3 -4: This was the HEAT 2 class, but was changed to a two day Direct Action class. This involves: Saturday: Focus on live fire ambush. Sunday: […]

New Capability: AirSim® Training

I have just returned from the Combat leader Class (CLC). It was a great class and I hope to get in some student reviews to attest to that. I had taken the leap into the void at fairly short notice prior to the class, but not without research, to pull the trigger and ditch UTM […]

Get your orders in now for ShotStop Plates: Why, and why this is not a ‘SELL’

  We are currently in a production cycle for ShotStop plates, which means they have run out, and any orders put in now will get shipped when the current production cycle comes available approx. mid-November. This is not for all plates, some types are in stock, but it is for the most popular GT plates […]