
Video: Trench (Strongpoint) Assault Class

Footage from the first Trench (Strongpoint) Assault class. This is a weekend class, utilizing Airsim, focusing on trench clearance techniques and procedures. An excellent class for teaching not only the basics of trench clearance, but also communication, teamwork and leadership.

This is an airsim class utilizing live OPFOR (enemy forces).

We are getting to the bottom of the grenade conundrum. For this class, we utilized empty grenade body’s (often the CO2 airsoft grenades) and shouted ‘Bang’ after the delay. We will continue to do this for the many reps we have to get in as we are training on the class, except we will substitute shouting ‘bang’ with an airhorn to signal the explosion.

We are going to allow simulated grenades, and we have decided that the best way to do this is to use an airsoft style banger, without any ‘shrapnel’ (peas or BB’s). So the grenade would be thrown, it would go bang, but just noise for the purposes of this training etc. Everyone is briefed on grenade safety distances and the drill to carry out if grenades are thrown. The intent is to use the bangers for the more involved drills (as shown in the video) where we have a squad planning and executing a raid on the trench system.

I will be creating a page for this class, and one of the things that would be really useful is a separate slung grenade bag for every man.

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