Multi-Class / MVT Review

First Sergeant (Scott) was busting my balls about how I never write class reviews. I told him I’d do one for classes and MVT in general. Here goes:
I got really lucky two years ago when I was researching to improve my skills with a rifle and pistol. I found the Max Velocity Tactical website, read what the classes entailed and decided that it looked legit. I thought I should start at the bottom and work my way up so, I signed up for Combat Rifle (CR 1501). Super Good Class, I knew I found a school that would be a corner stone of my training. Combat Team Tactics (CTT 1506) was next, the Real Deal. I had never ran a course like Max has, and have not encountered one anywhere else in my experience. Before leaving Max and Chris (awesome Guys) said thanks for coming out or something like that, I shook their hands, said Thank You and I’ll see you later.
Next was C3 Citizen Close Combat….I really enjoyed that class. CQB fighting incorporating transfer to pistol….What! Then Force on Force class came about, which is only ran with AR’s. All previous classes I was running with an AK. So I bought an AR but didn’t know how run it, so what do you do? Start with the basics. I revisited what is now Combat Rifle Skills taught by First Sergeant (Scott). Plus if and when I’d ever have to pick up your rifle why wouldn’t I want to be able to run it like BOSS. Feeling confident with the AR I decided to solidify my foundation by running CTT again with the AR. So I did.
Taking CTT for the second time was great because I was able to key in on the things I missed first time around. I even plan on taking it again, I like it that much.

Defensive Concealed Handgun Class was my last class for 2016. Nothing beats a great group of guys and girl, bonfire, smell of gun powder in the air, night firing and training at MVT to round out the year.
I haven’t made it to Force on Force, Combat Patrol, Land Nav YET ! Rest assured it’s on my list for 2017. Deposit is already in for the New CQB Class in March. The Point I’m trying to make is that MVT is a Great School. I wouldn’t have returned if it wasn’t, and trust me I’ve been to places once and have not returned. MVT raises the Standard for what I expect in a training school. So to Max, Chris and First Sergeant: Thanks for The Great Classes and I will see you in the New Year.