*NEW* HEAT Reconnaissance Class.
We have created a new class, the HEAT Reconnaissance Class. This is a specialized recce / recon class with focus on the skills required to conduct reconnaissance. This class will be featured in the 2020 schedule. However, I have begun a discussion on the MVT Forum, and if we can generate between 6 and maximum 8 students for November 22-24, we will run a class over that weekend. If you are interested in the November dates, either comment here:
MVT Forum: Reconnaissance Class
or email me: max@maxvelocitytactical.com
Expect to be tested on the patrols, with a live OPFOR and AirSim Force on Force. This class is the equivalent, to the reconnaissance patrol, of a sniper fieldcraft class.
From the New Class Page:
HEAT Reconnaissance is a three-day class focusing in detail on the planning and conduct of the reconnaissance patrol. This class is heavily influenced by the LRRS background of the Chief Instructor Scott.
During HEAT 2 Combat Patrol, an introduction was given to the reconnaissance patrol / close target recce on day two, recce day. This included a day / night CTR patrol. The reconnaissance class takes this a step further with detailed reconnaissance training over three days.
This is a Force on Force class (no live fire) and there is no training prerequisite. Patrols will face the real possibility of enemy contact and subsequent IA drills.
A class outline is as follows:
- Reconnaissance Patrol Theory.
- Gear selection and setup.
- Hand / arm signals.
- Fieldcraft / camouflage & concealment.
- Patrol Formations.
- Immediate Action (IA) Drills.
- Fieldcraft lane.
- Day / Night Patrol.
- Additional FoF Patrolling.
Class size: Max 8 Students.
Cost: $700
OPFOR volunteers are required (Saturday / Sunday).