
In Stock: ShotStop GT2 Plates – Amazing Technology!

The GT2 Plates are the latest design by ShotStop. In the 10 x 12 plate size, they have shaved off a whole pound of weight (down from 4.8 to 3.8 lbs) and increased the stopping power of the plate.

These plates are in stock and shipping now. Pricing for the GT2 plates has been kept the same as the original GT design.

You can purchase the plates at this link:

ShotStop Green Tip Plates

Check out this photo from the back label on a 10 x 12 GT2 plate. It annotates what this plate will stop (special threat) beyond what a standard level III plate will cope with. It includes:

  • M855 / SS109 ‘Green Tip.”
  • M193
  • M855 A1
  • 7.62 x 39

(Note that the plates also stop multi-hit .308/7.62, and all the standard rifle rounds).

The diagram below shows how the GT2 plates rank in terms of stopping power. This plate will stop all threats except the M2 AP round. In terms of a sensible risk assessment, you can wear these GT2 plates at 3.8lb each, and stop all threats except the M2 AP round. That is an excellent trade off between mobility versus protection. Everything we do in tactical world is always a calculated risk – these plates balance very well the tradeoff between mobility and protection.

A set of these plates is now in my plate carrier.

ShotStop Green Tip Plates