
HEAT Team Leader Class: scheduled October 21 – 28 2018


The annual HEAT Team Leader (used to be CLC) class has now been scheduled for October 21 – 28 2018.

This is an excellent class and the first iteration in April 2017 was very well received. Since then, facilities and curriculum have been improved.

HEAT TL is a combat leader class utilizing UTM man marker rounds against a live OPFOR. We utilize a friendly force of 13 students operating from a ‘FOB’. Leaders rotate through command appointments; planning, briefing rehearsing and executing combat missions.

The class is excellent to develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills in a simulated combat (stress) environment. This will reap dividends across to your professional work life and performance.

Placing this class towards the end of the training year allows you to take advantageĀ  of other classes in order to progress towards attendance at this class.

Click for information on the HEAT Team Leader Class