
HEAT 1 Added December 6 – 9 + Class Availability

We have just added a new HEAT 1 class to the schedule for December 6 – 9. HERE FOR INFO.

Upcoming Classes:


14 – 15 July: Defensive Concealed Handgun (DCH). Full.


4 – 5 August: Alumni Live Fire: Huge value  at $300 for the weekend. Designed for alumni to catch up and revise, roll into multiple live fire scenarios. We have a good turnout for this event (15), but we can still take more. Not too late to book.

Note: The cost for the Alumni Live Fire is $300, and due to necessary changes in the ticket payment system, the early bird discount concept had to go away. So prices are what they are. There are no raises closer to the class date. However, please bear in mind that I am looking at class numbers and if they seem too low a couple of months out, I will consider cancelling a class, so please book early if you are interested. Sometimes we just get a dead class – like when I booked over Memorial Weekend this year! Because we specialize in team tactics classes, please bear in mind that numbers are often important to make the team concept work, depending on the class. Thus we ask you to book as soon as your schedule is worked out and you know you can attend. We have also made the refund policy a little more forgiving so that it does not count too badly against early bookings. Thanks.

11 – 12 August: Long Range Marksmanship (LRMS): Just posted, available.

23 – 26 August: HEAT 1: 1 space available. This is the previous Combat Team Tactics Class which is 4 days.* This is essentially the gateway class to the excellent world of MVT small unit tactics classes. You will amaze yourself at what you learn.

*Note: I am making some allowances for previous experience for booking onto 3 days of the HEAT 1 Class, for new bookings, for returning recent alumni or those who have a significant level of training / weapon manipulation competence from elsewhere. This will be posted on an update to the page HERE. Bottom line, if you think you can miss the first day of the class, email me.


5 – 8 September: 1st Fly-In concept class booked for a HEAT 1 in Idaho!

15- 16 September: Close Quarter Battle Course (CQBC): Just posted, available. This is a state of the art CQB course teaching current TTPs in use by SOF. This is open enrollment but we expect you to show up with a decent level of competence in basic weapon manipulation.


14 – 21 October: HEAT Team Leader. This is our excellent annual combat leader class. This is also your best chance for some excellent UTM Force on Force training in a constructive combat-simulated environment. There was some concern and holding back that this class may be cancelled, but it has the numbers needed to run and will run. We can still fit  more students onto the class.


1 – 4 Nov: HEAT 2: This excellent training event supersedes the previous Combat Patrol class. HEAT 1 / CTT alumni only.


6 – 9 December: HEAT 1: Just posted, available.

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