
Bringing Flexibility to Mobile Classes

MVT has become somewhat inflexible with mobile classes due to how it all developed with the equipment / targets and thus the need to transport it all in the truck. The backstory to that was that the first year in Texas (2015) was run with stick-in Ivan targets. But due to the need in 2016 to run a patrol class, I took the pop-up targets along with some steel protective boxes that I had made, to protect the mechanisms absent target pits. And it all escalated from there! The logistic tail was wagging the dog.

I took a look at this and I can run these classes with a flat range, some tactical range suitable private land, and stick in targets. I am going to throw some more flexibility back into the mix and be available for fly-in and fly-out classes. It does mean more will need to provided at the venue, but I will ship the specialist targets / equipment.

I updated the ‘book a mobile class page’ here.

From the ‘book a mobile class’ page:

MVT can be extremely flexible with mobile classes. Depending on the travel distance, cadre will either drive or fly to your location. Fly-in classes offer flexibility to fly in, run the class, and fly out. This includes tactical classes.
Class progression / prerequisites apply as per open enrollment classes. We can offer hybrid with the necessary training and safety progression built in.
Suitable mobile classes:
Please email to begin a discussion on running a private class for your group:
For fly-in flat range and tactical classes, there are some basic considerations. Outline:
25 meter range with target stands / backers / space for the number of students.
Barrels / barricades or similar.
Covered seating lecture area with magnetic whiteboard.
Suitable private land for live fire tactical drills.
Tactical targets and misc. equipment will be shipped in.
Voluntary for tactical classes: students purchasing CITTAC ground & pound steel (8) to put behind the targets to produce more active hit feedback. These are kept by the class / individual students after.

The story on the CITTAC ground & pound targets is that they sit on the ground at a steep forward angle and I have taken to using them behind stick-in Ivans in order to give better hit feedback to the students while running tactical iterations. This is in place of the electronic pop-ups in target pits that we use at the VTC facility. For truck-mobile classes, I take 3 x pop-ups and the steel shields only for the ambush (Texas). For fly-in classes, I will ship Ivans. If students want to band together and perhaps each buy a CITTAC ground and pound, if we can get together about 8, that is perfect for placing behind the Ivans on fly-in classes. Students just keep them for their own use, they are great targets.