
2019 Prospective Dates + New Class Ideas

I have previously posted about remaining dates for 2018 and how we are going to change things up for scheduling of open enrollment classes in 2019. In summary:

  • We have two spaces left on the Close Quarter Battle Course (CQBC) November 30 – December 2. If you are not tripping over yourself to book those spaces, then you probably don’t understand how important it is.
  • We have open spaces on the Defensive Concealed Handgun (DCH) December 1 – 2. Again, if you are not booking that, you have no idea how excellent of a class that is, and how important it is.

Those are the two remaining training opportunities for 2018.

For 2019, to quote the linked post:

We will be putting out an initially extremely lean open enrollment schedule for 2019. Literally something like a HEAT 1 spring and a HEAT 1 fall. We will put in a CQBC and an AirSim FoF, along with some special AirSim events and the Combat Leader Course, at some point in the year.

There is now a significant change to open enrollment classes which puts more of the control on students. Read below:

We currently offer mobile classes (truck or fly-in) anywhere in the United States (where firearms / training is legal) for a flat daily rate of $2500 all up. That is a heck of a deal when you yourself do not have to travel. See HERE for mobile class information.

We are now offering a solution to questions over demand / scheduling for open enrollment classes at the VTC:  we will offer privately organized classes at the VTC for $1800 a day, max number 12. Organizers should approach MVT with a sufficient number of people interested, and we will schedule a class when dates are agreed. We can open it up to open enrollment to boost numbers once dates are booked with minimum numbers,.

This means that we will run classes when a bunch of students organize and when they want the class. Thus we know we have the demand and the right date to schedule it! No more shots in the dark a year ahead of time.

Remember, there will be the two open enrollment HEAT 1’s per year for people who simply cannot organize, and a smattering of other scheduled open enrollment classes, such as CQBC etc.

On that note, we have some classes already booked for 2019, and I have just looked at a prospective schedule for open enrollment standard and special classes for the first half of 2019. The prospective schedule dates are not solid at this time, but in the vicinity of a plan / timeframe.


TEXAS: February 17 – 22. This is booked and full at this time.

Surveillance & Reconnaissance (prospective dates): This class was requested by students at Direct Action this past weekend. This class is under development and may run the week of the 26-30 March, or in the vicinity of (IVO). This is probably a 6 day class due to material taught. This is being discussed on the MVT forum, which is free to join.

HEAT 1 (prospective dates): April 11 – 14. This is likely the only open enrollment HEAT 1. There may be another in the fall time-frame.

CQBC (prospective dates): May 3 – 5. Probably the only open enrollment CQBC for 2019.

HEAT 2 (prospective dates) May 16-19. IVO these dates, the only HEAT 2 for 2019.

IDAHO Private HEAT 1 May 28 – June 2: Booked. As per the notes above about private fly-in classes.

Themed AirSim Force on Force (prospective dates) June 22-23: This is new take on Force on Force with AirSim weapons. We will run a dedicated opposition force with a theme likely ‘Hunting Haqqani.’ This will be scenario based with OPFOR dressed and acting accordingly.

HEAT 3 (prospective dates) July 12 – 14: This will be a full immersion force on force event (AirSim) where I will lead a  patrol into the field utilizing an expanded VTC training area. This is based on ideas generated at the CLC, but the patrol will be led by me and we will move out into the field and conduct operations against a dedicated OPFOR (force on Force). Patrol movement, patrol base, recce, ambush, raid etc. HEAT 1 & 2 Prereqs.

That is the end of prospective date planning for 2019 at this time. We currently also have:

IDAHO Private 6 Day September 23 – 28. Booked. As per the notes above about private fly-in classes.

Per feedback on the forum, the CLC will be scheduled for either September or early October 2019. It will start to get nailed down as we move towards the spring. That will be the third iteration of this annual class and it cannot be recommended highly enough. Cost will reduced for 2019 becasue we will be running AirSim. I encourage you to invest in your own AirSim training rifle as per the MVT Store HERE.

Final dates will be posted once they are final. If there is any input on potential mistakes with prospective dates, now is the time to say something before it becomes final.

Thank you.

See you at CQBC on November 30th!
