Upgrading the CQB Hut Site
Photos from a volunteer work party this weekend, doing the next build phase on the CQB Hut Site. These huts are used as a UTM and scenario training objective and are incorporated into the following classes:
Note the size of the doorways. Standard opening, residential size. Before you start trying to fit yourself through doors such as that, you ought to give the following post a read. Consider the MVT Gear Philosophy and how you can build a similar gear loudout. Consider a ‘Lite’ Battle belt and a well made chest rig – this will reduce getting hung up in doorways. Your battle belt should be low profile and close to the hips, and a with a good chest rig the load is carried within the triangle of your chest/arms when entering with your rifle, so it doe not stick out or take up space that could cause a hang up.
‘Gear: Purpose, Use, Your Functional Gear System.’
Above: Student running a 3X Special Forces Rig attached to a PC with the PC Attachment Kit.
Above: 3X Rig in Ranger Green. All MVT gear is available in Coyote Brown, Ranger Green and Multicam.
Here is a video of the huts previously in use as part of a Force on Force Class: