
Update on Training Site

I posted before about my plans for a training site: HERE

We have now purchased the land. The site is in the Blue Ridge Mountains in WV, across the State Line from Winchester VA. It’s in the north-east tip of WV that adjoins VA, MD and PA (those coming to classes will get strip maps will exact locations.)

I am not yet ready to put out a schedule for training weekends; we need to put a few things in place first and get the site ready. But it’s coming!

Here is a link to my updated training page on the WEBSITE

Cut and Paste fro the Site:

Max Velocity Tactical, based in Northern Virginia with a training site in West Virginia, offers training and consultancy services for law abiding citizens desiring tactical self-defense training. We can train you in any of the tactics, techniques and procedures covered in the books ‘Contact!‘ and ‘Rapid Fire!’ We currently offer standardized weekend training packages but we can tailor the content, duration and location of the training to suit your needs. Please just ask for more information and let us know your requirements.
Mission: To offer quality realistic tactical self-defense training to law abiding citizens in order to better prepare them for the defense of themselves and their families.
  • A general idea of the training on offer is as follows: 
  • Tactical Self-Defense training 
  • Small Unit Tactics 
  • Self Defense & Firearms Training 
  • Home Defense & Family Security 
  • Site Assessment & Defensive Survey 
  • Tactical Vehicle Movement 
  • Tactical Operations 
  • TC3: Battlefield First Aid 
  • Close Protection Tactics 
  • Survival Tactics & Preparation 
  • Contingency Planning & Preparation 
  • Hostile Environment Training 
  • Hostile Environment Security 
  • Planning 
  • Leadership Development 
  • Team Building 
  • Character Building 
  • Higher Formation Tactics (Platoon/Company) 
  • Navigation 
Max Velocity Tactical has a 100 acre training site in West Virginia. The site is in the Blue Ridge Mountains in WV, across the State Line from Winchester VA. It is in the north-east tip of WV that adjoins VA, MD and PA. Those attending classes will get site maps and joining instructions. 
The site has excellent terrain for tactical drills and movement and offers natural live firing areas, in particular ‘Ricochet Ridge Range’. It is a basic site in the woods; for those wishing to stay overnight camping is available. We are developing basic cabin accommodation. It is the full camping post-SHTF experience! For this wishing to stay outside of the site we will provide a list of local hotels/motels, but don’t expect the Ritz!
Training is tailored to your requirements and not driven by ego. You will be listened to and your standard assessed, allowing us to offer thoughts and tailored training packages to best suit your progression. ‘Crawl, Walk, Run’ will be applied as necessary. Training is not about humiliating the trainee, but building them up and progressing. You don’t need to be ‘high speed’ to show up for training; it is designed to take people with varying level of experience and bring them up to a higher tactical standard. Rest and revision will be built in as appropriate. 
Bring your own firearms, equipment and ammunition. Bring what ammunition you are prepared to use and we will work within those limits. Simulated training is also available using AR15/M4 replica air-soft rifles. These are designed to add realism to dry training and also aid safety with transition to live firing tactical movement training. It will also save money on ammunition. We are not running air-soft ‘games’ but will use these as a tool incorporated into training, under controlled conditions. An example would be the use of air-soft while practicing ‘break contact drills’, before moving on to live firing.
You could come and train with air-soft alone, without using live firearms and ammunition, if you so wish. We would concentrate on drills and small unit tactical movement, among other things. Ideally, once competence is achieved with the air-soft drills, you will move on to live-firing movement.
Max Velocity Tactical is not about offering simple square range shooting, although the basics will be covered as required, moving onto combat shooting and use of fire positions. You will come and train with us to garner the benefits of tactical movement and field firing.
Standard Rates:
Usual class sizes are minimum four, maximum twelve. Please contact me with any other requirements and we can discuss.
1 Day package: $250 per person for the day.
2 day package: $400 per person for the two days.
Additional days: $100 per person for extra days.
Barter will be considered on a case by case basis.
The training can include variations from the subjects listed above, for example if you wanted to do some Small Unit Tactics with TC3 thrown in. 
For long distance training requirements outside of the local area, and longer courses, please email to request a quote.
Prior to attending a training course you will be required to complete a basic background check. Max Velocity Tactical does not offer training for any individuals or groups that intend to utilize such training for civil disorder or criminal activity. The focus is purely on self-defense for individuals and protection of their families and friends. Max Velocity strongly upholds and defends the Constitution and Bill of Rights and as such the rule of Constitutional Law in the United States of America.
You will also certify that you are physically fit enough to participate in the training. This will include walking over rough ground, adopting various fire positions, limited running while carrying a firearm, and similar tactically related physical activity. If you do have physical limitations, training can be designed to accommodate your needs. 
For a more detailed idea of the training I offer, email me. You can also reference either of my books to get an idea of areas that you may wish to improve on, and also to give you a background before the classes:
Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival
Rapid Fire! Tactics for High Threat, Protection and Combat Operations