
Update on Patriot Dawn Sequel

Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises


I constantly get asked about when the sequel to ‘Patriot Dawn‘ will be out. I get it, I left you with an unfinished story! I got sidetracked by work at the training site, with classes and with raising my family.

I have been able to get back into writing and I hope to be able to continue with that. I have 150 pages of the sequel written, provisionally called ‘Patriot Rising: The Unbroken.’ I have the story worked out, it’s just a case of some hard time in front of the computer writing.

It is coming!

Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises‘ is effectively a novelization of the concepts laid out in ‘Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival.’ If you haven’t read these yet, you should. It’s that simple.

This means that I will have less time for blogging. However, between the books, the 1000 blog posts (free chicken) there is more than enough information to be going on with. Because the bottom line is that you need to actually come to training to make this all mean anything. Reading it is not good enough.

I recommend that you read both books, then come to training, then re-read the relevant parts of Contact. Then, book further training such as the Combat Patrol class, or another Combat Team Tactics.

Read Student Reviews to see how this is true.

Oh, and do more PT!




Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival