
Two last minute places: March CTT & FoF + Rifle Skills Class Price Change

I just had single  cancellations on the CTT class this weekend, and FoF the following weekend. There is now one space available on each class. Both of the classes were discounted anyway, so you can get that discount if you sign up. These are the original posts with that info:

Class Discount: March Combat Team Tactics & Rifle Skills

FoF Team Tactics / Alumni Weekend March 19/20

I am also going to make a price policy change and reduce the price for the Rifle Skills day, the optional day ahead of all CTT classes) from $200 to $100. This is simply because routinely I have full CTT classes but literally I am training one or two people for the RS day. One time we did have about 8 of the class show up for RS. This Thursday, out of a full class (minus one cancellation) I have two showing up for RS. If I’m running the training, I would rather have more people benefit from it.