The Arctic Patriot: Rapid Fire!- My Take on the Book
The Arctic Patriot: Rapid Fire!- My Take on the Book: Previously, I reviewed Max Velocity ’s book Contact . That book was a very good resource for people looking to become familiar with m…
Thanks very much to Arctic Patriot for reviewing ‘Rapid Fire!’ Much appreciated brother!
There is a comment there right now from Anonymous with a reply by Arctic Patriot: @Anonymous: I hear where you are coming from and your concerns (given that you have not read the book), but don’t worry, this is not a ‘Rambo’ book. As Arctic Patriot says, there is a lot of stress of avoidance in there, and the rest is good solid TTPs. You almost answer your own question when you first say there is no point knowing these tactics, because you are not regular infantry and don’t have the resources, but then go on to say it is best to just read the FMs. Well, this is not a re-hash of the FMs and brings in a lot that is not covered, some of which comes from mobile operations that are not covered in any FMs. As Arctic Patriot says, it is the tactics you need with a real life perspective, without just rehashing the manuals.
I have been asked about the book: “who is your target audience’. I wrote it as a book for those conducting ‘high threat, protection and combat operations’. This applies to regular forces, paramilitaries or irregulars, whatever is relavant to you. I had a mind to fighting enemies ‘foreign and domestic’ when I wrote it, and thus the tactics are in there to conduct irregular resistance operations.
I never advocate massive expenditure of ammunition, that is ‘projecting’ assumptions onto my writings. If you are ‘joe irregular’ conducting a post-collapse resistance operation, you will need to adapt to the equipment and supply chain that you may or may not have. But the tactics are there all the same, and without them you will be up shit creek without a paddle. The intent of this book is to be much more ‘useful’ and readable than simply reading through FMs designed for regular troops/conventional operations and trying to apply the lessons you may extract from them.