Student Review: Texas Alumni Live Fire Class

Over the years training at MVT a few phrases / concepts have stuck with me:
– You don’t know what you don’t know
– You perform to the level that you train
– The four stages of competence
Unconscious Incompetence
Conscious Incompetence
Conscious Competence
Unconscious Competence
Looking back at the beginning of my MVT training journey I was near the bottom rung of those concepts. I didn’t know that my performance was incompetent. I will be grateful for the rest of my life for the uncompromising training that MVT has provided to pull me out of the morass of my ignorance and lack of skill. To kick off my tenth year of MVT training I repeated the Texas Alumni live fire class after having attended in 2024. For a great breakdown of the class see the review by Chad, although I will add that the team building aspect of the Texas class is one of the major highlights for me. For me I want to focus on the value of repetition, and more specifically the value of good repetition. One of the great aspects of MVT training and the Texas class in particular is the excellent course progression that Max incorporates into the curriculum. The whole crawl, walk, run concept. Then you repeat those aspects adding bits of complexity along the way. The course progression pays close attention to properly repeating skill sets that are critical for each scenario that is taught.
After I attended the Texas 2024 class I was mentally and physically exhausted. It’s a big chunk of tactical training to wrap your body and brain around. After attending the Texas 2025 class I felt like I could have attended another week. I place full credit to the excellence of training that brought me to that level. I don’t often get the chance to practice outside of class, so there is always some quick review needed to get back up to speed. After each class I’m adding a few more pieces to the puzzle in my mind, cementing in the concepts until they start to solidify and I am moving with more smoothness and confidence. Along with repeating the Texas class, I have attended three HEAT1 classes, two HEAT2 classes, combat leadership and land nav classes. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I will add a few more Texas specific comments here. As I said, the team building aspect is very important to this class. You are with your team all week in the lodge and ranges and you really build cohesion. The scope and scale of the ranch really allows Max to expand the training scenarios and add depth and nuance to the training that is invaluable. This class is something every MVT alumni should attend at some point. You owe it to yourself and your family.
Tactical skill is perishable and needs to be practiced. MVT continues to provide the best small unit tactical training in the US to the civilian market. The uncompromising adherence to safety, excellence in training, team building and esprit de corps that embodies the MVT experience will keep me coming back for more.