Team Coyote: Background and Moving Forward
This is a version of a post I put up in the Team Coyote Forum. This is to help those not in that forum understand what is going on:
Some students, over time, have been given a Team Coyote patch with very little explanation. There are a number of initiatives over the years that MVT has been pushing. In addition to tactical training itself, there is the idea of community and mutual support groups. Given that focus has shifted away from these initiatives in recent years, I am bringing Team Coyote out of the shadows; rather than being a secretive patch that people get, we will be open about it.
Team Coyote Name: It is what it is at this point. It came about when I was pushing coyote brown solid camo as an alternative to multicam etc. So to that extent, it was a ‘fad’ of mine. It has nothing to do with the animal coyote. It is what it is, for those that know, they know. I have no doubt there will be people who get hung up on the name, and try to compare for example sheepdogs and wolves and coyotes or whatever. Those guys are not in Team Coyote.
It is not an ‘elite’: Cadre are always looking at and assessing students. The TC patch is simply awarded when we have a guy who has trained enough for us to get a good look at him, and it is a combination of personality, physical fitness, attitude etc. Everyone at MVT is learning, so it is not a ‘tactical elite command’ patch. It’s more along the lines of a ‘good solid guy patch’ with the additional aspect that they have invested in themselves by showing up to at least 2 MVT training events – so they have some decent tactical ability. If you have a guy with a TC patch, then you know that at least cadre at MVT have thought these positive things about him.
There may be people I have missed. I am more than willing to add people to the group. There may have been times when I did not have the patches. I am happy for TC members to nominate forum members to me, or present yourselves for consideration if you think you meet the criteria or may have been forgotten / missed. I need to be able to remember you, so you must have trained relatively recently, and have done more than one class. You have to be a forum member.
The primary idea is to identify good guys who like to train. This will help you if you are looking for people to train with in your area. It will also allow us to do specific events for Team Coyote. Or, we may run alumni weekends with the subset of Team Coyote, in order to try and nominate / identify more people to award the patch to.
I do hope to put up some alumni / team coyote training weekends at reduced cost (i.e. cover my expenses for the weekend). This can be in the form of alumni weekends. They may be live fire, FoF, or a combination. I have talked before about how hard it is to organize people for weekends. Thus, I would like to do a cook-out alumni weekend soon, a proper one where I actually organize a cook-out etc. Maybe a family weekend if people are up for it. My problem is that my minimum 3 month lead-time rule puts us in the winter. So we may have to organize for spring.
Please also note that, with the above, I simply cannot hand out free training all the time to my core of alumni, because I have to keep the business running and put food on the table. So please also continue to come back for actual training weekends rather than just the free chicken. On that note, with FoF weekends, I may be doing those practically free. I’m literally thinking of covering costs for live fire targets if we do live fire, any cadre who are there, and green gas / bb’s, plus food / drink if we make it a cook-out. Now, what helps me and benefits you, is if you make the initial investment in the AirSim rifles. After the initial cost of the rifle and magazines, you training cost is minimal and you have a reliable PTS MEGA ARMS AR15 rifle (you look after it, not a school gun), that you can clone after your live fire rifle, and you get to use at the increasing number of MVT AirSim FoF events, plus use at home for your own training. If I am giving events out at cost / cheap, it also saves me wear on the school guns and lessens my repair / replace costs.
MVT has been, for a long time, trying to work on community and mutual support between alumni. Team Coyote is part of that. I am more than happy for you to meet and find battle buddies from this. This is what it is about.
There is always a danger that because MVT is a tactical training organization, any group associated with it can be seen as a danger. Thus, I reaffirm the wording that I have you sign on the class waiver: “Criminal Activity / Civil Disorder: It is not the intent of Max Velocity Tactical to provide training that will be used in criminal activities, to further criminal ends or to further civil disorder. Training is solely provided to law abiding persons for the purposes of tactical self-defense.” Thus, MVT as a whole and Team Coyote specifically, is an organization to provide excellence in tactical training. Services such as the alumni and Team Coyote groups, are for networking for training and community, and for prepping for self-defense and potential disaster situations.