
Student Review: Training Weekend 30 May – 01 June – Z

CRCD 30 May2

I also attended these classes with Stinger and others. I ditto all his comments.


There is a lot of info on the subject. Max clearly and in a well thought out presentation cut through all the BS into this half day course.

Take away. High and tight.


Aaron. Excellent instruction. I’ve sat under a few instructors in my time. Some good some not so. A good instructor can read a an individual, connect and teach. Aaron is that instructor. Also a well thought out safe and no ego class. I wish I had this years ago. It takes forever to stumble through on your own.

Take away. Stoppages will happen and have to be dealt with properly, effectively, fast then back into the fight and maintain momentum.


Max must have instructed a lot of guys, it shows. Again, well prepared and thought out class. His instruction has opened my mind. I had some preconceived notions of reacting to contact, many now corrected and some confirmed. No ego, no BS correction and feedback.

Take away. Com is key (communication). Don’t over think it. Look before you leap (bound form cover to cover). Work through tunnel vision. More PT. “FF” does not stand for function or effective.

Also, lets not forget Fred. Very insightfully presentation and Q&A. Fact and opinion clearly defined on event possibilities and misconceptions regarding SHTF scenarios.


CRCD 30 May