
Student Review: Rifle Skills / Combat Team Tactics August 2016: Brad


Class Review:

I took the Rifle Skills (RS) / Combat Team Tactics (CTT) classes at MVT this past week (Aug 18-21) and what follows is my take on the experience.

I read ‘Contact!’ about a year and a half ago and then several times since trying to put all of the pieces together.  Then I would head out to the back of my property and “practice” what I had read.  Here is what I learned:  Read the book, and then get your butt to MVT for the actual training.  There is a big difference between trying to figure it out yourself and having someone show / instruct you directly and correctly.

My take-away from the class:

1) Buy the quality gear they suggest.  My buddy (DangerMart) got part of that name for showing up to class with a super cheap red dot from a “mart” store which lasted all of two days before he went to the backup iron sights.  Same for all of the Franken-guns that showed up to class, nothing but problems.  Buy once, cry once!




2) PT! I wasn’t in bad shape, but this type of training favors a guy / gal who will get off their butt and do the work needed behind the scenes; I will be doing a lot more PT.  That said, Max and 1st Sergeant are more interested in teaching you the material than they are in hammering you, I never felt that I or anyone else was pushed physically beyond their personal capability.

Training Plans Blog

3) I can’t say enough about the professionalism and attention to safety these guys give during the course.I was a little apprehensive about doing live fire drills with people I don’t know or trust but it wasn’t an issue.  Yes, you might get a stern correction but hey you’re dealing with a live weapon.  When you did something right, they were quick to let you know that as well.

4) You simply can’t get this type and quality of training anywhere else, why do you think Army Spec-Op teams have come to MVT before they deployed? This is not a one and done sort of thing either, you need to practice these skills so I will definitely be coming back for future classes.  Was it worth the cost and driving half way across the county (all night) to attend?  Definitely!

Do you and your family a favor and learn how to use your weapon in a realistic setting.  Punching paper is great for sighting your weapon and drilling some basics but that is not going to cut it in a real fight where bullets are coming back your direction if you, God forbid, have to experience that.  I have definitely had my eyes opened to a whole other world!  I will be adding MVT to my yearly to do list, and more as time and money permit.












