
Squad Tactics 26-29 August: OPFOR & Class Space

We have the Squad Tactics class coming up on 26-29 August. The class is a go, but still has room for more students. We are also looking for OPFOR (enemy role-players) for the class. OPFOR is FREE, and gives you the ability to get some free training.

Squad Tactics (4 days) is the successor to the Combat Leader Course (8 days) which was considered too long a time commitment. This is an AirSim class (no live fire) force on force class against a designated OPFOR. The class will teach you how to run a mission, from planning to execution. We will run 2 missions per day, with the first mission being led by Max, as a demonstration.

Bring your own AirSim GBB rifle, or rent one for the class. OPFOR will be issued an AirSim rifle.

Class information

Student Class Spaces HERE

OPFOR Volunteers: respond to the forum thread, or email me: