Rifle Skills / Combat Team Tactics
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I attended the August 2016 Rifle Skills (RS) + Combat Team Tactics (CTT) class at VTC in West Virginia. Several of my friends have attended CTT in the past and all rave about the course, the quality of instruction, the training location, etc. I’ve participated with them as they practiced what they learned including patrols, RTRs\, breaking contact or fighting through, peel maneuvers, hasty ambush’s and the other “tactical” (some would say “tacti-cool”) stuff. I thought “that’s not too tough”. I’ve needed to “up my PT” for a while now. From time to time get motivated, work out for a few weeks and then slip back to lazy because in the end, I really didn’t have a clear goal. Now I do.
So at some point early this year I decided to make a decision to attend some form of training at least once a year. The natural choice was to follow my friend’s advice and attend RS/CTT in West Virginia at the Velocity Training Center (VTC) and learn from the master, the right way, and in the right environment. What a difference professional training makes. While it was good to have some prior exposure to the concepts, drills, and learning points ahead of time, it was not necessary. Starting with Rifle Skills, and moving into Combat Team Tactics I learned there is a HUGE difference between learning from friends and learning from the professionals at MVT. Get professional training: it is worth every penny!
I won’t waste words describing the 4 days I spent at Max’s on Rifle Skills (RS) and Combat Team Tactics (CTT). You can, no: you should attend and see for yourself. I HIGHLY encourage anyone who owns a battle rifle (AR, AK, or like) to take RS and CTT. Even if you have run thousands of rounds through your rifle, I guarantee that the professional instructors at Max Velocity Tactical will teach you a thing or two (or three or ten). You will also find out:
- If your equipment, rifle, mags, rigs, etc. are battle ready, reliable, and work for you. If you have a few options for rigs or are trying to figure out what works (battle belt, chest rigs, plate carrier, etc.) bring what you have or can borrow, and find out what works best. I learned a lot about my rifle and it’s limits. (Yes 1st Sgt: I removed the ambi-safety). This class will show you beyond any doubt, that having quality reliable equipment is worth the investment.
- PT is important, and the class will make you realize how and to what degree you need to “up your PT training”. However: Do not feel you need to be in top physical shape to attend CTT. The goal is to teach you the skills, not test your stamina or tactical proficiency. Max and 1st Sgt. will push you and help you find your limits. They know, before you do, where your limits are and will tailor the instruction to help you maximize the learning experience. Even though I was sucking wind and feeling the burn; I never felt it was to a point where I would be injured or become unsafe. Learning your limits is part and working within them is part of what you learn at MVT.
- Professional, direct, clear and highly valuable instruction. Yes: if you f*-up, you will get “focused instruction” to put it mildly. Learning from mistakes in a safe environment is I never took it as a personal assault. It was clear, direct and to the point, even if there were a few colorful adjectives sprinkled in ;).
I’ll definitely go back. Given the state of things, the events in the news, and the seemingly accelerated trend toward anarchy: I suggest you book and attend training NOW to maximize the opportunity and get the most value. That may sound “out there” but if you’re paying attention amd have more than a few brain cells, you’ll come to the same conclusion. You can’t find this level and quality of professional training anywhere else. The cost, with all things considered, is very reasonable (far less than the cost of a new iPhone). Attend training. Encourage your like minded friends and family to go with you and you will be glad you did.