
We just completed the first Close Quarter Battle Course (CQBC) at the Max Velocity Tactical VTC, Romney WV. The resounding opinion of the class was that this course of instruction is absolutely priceless and something everyone needs to attend!

The addition of the Close Quarter Battle Course to the offerings at MVT has closed the circle and filled one of the last remaining gaps in my personal training and preparation. With Combat Team Tactics, Combat Patrol / Direct Action, and The Defensive Concealed Handgun class that I had taken at MVT I considered myself prepared and fairly capable, but now having attended CQBC I realized there was a huge hole in my training and preparations. Anyone that has attended some of the aforementioned classes has learned things like moving in small groups tactically, setting up ambushes, and responding to threats when only carrying a concealed handgun. All of which are hugely necessary and important skill to have, but what we learned over the last three days applies to what we do everyday because as I was taking the class the thing the hit me over the head was that we spend most of our lives in structures, we go in and out of these buildings multiple times a day, and in reality, if there is going to be conflict or disorder there is a higher likelihood that it will happen in a building. If this is the case, we need to be able to get in and out of those structures tactically and sometimes while in contact with bad guys. That is what the class tied together for me.


The level of instruction provided by John and Max was world class! And I truly mean world-class, having attended other CQB instruction in the military and law enforcement world, I can say that the information and course of instruction provided here are more realistic, of a higher quality, and far more practical than what many soldiers and law-enforcement personnel are currently learning, much less what the average civilian has available to them. There was a perfect balance between instruction/theory and practical application/drills. This was all tied together on the final day when we put on the masks and went head on head with other teams using the UTM rounds.

We steadily progressed from walk-through to doing two, four, and eight man assaults on the buildings. And while we are talking about buildings….. that is another valuable piece of this puzzle, the structures that they have built to be used there on site are invaluable training aids. Many of us have been subjected to training CQB in a large empty gym with tape on the floor that is supposed to mimic walls and doors, and anyone who has experienced similar training knows the huge shortcomings of training like that. Nothing beats actually having to manipulate the door knobs, swinging them open and then working to get into a room with enough haste and violence of action to actually be able to kill the bad guys that are inside waiting for you. After three days of instruction and drilling during this class, that is the sort of thing we were able to do.

The mood of the group leaving class was palpable, having run multiple drills and situations against real live people left many of us feeling that we had gone from knowing absolutely nothing, to being capable of doing this when and if necessary. This class is going to become one of the courses I repeat over and over because I realize how important it is to continue to polish the skills that you learned in these three days. I cannot recommend anything more strongly! It is a wonderful experience and a piece of the tactical puzzle anyone needs if they want to actually be able to take care of themselves and their families.


Max adds: the next CQBC is in May, but it is currently full. John ans I are talking about putting another CQBC on in late August, watch this space.

I have also just amended the Force on Force Team Tactics offering (next class in July). We will still have the 2 days of Force on Force Team Tactics, but the Friday will be a full optional CQB Intro Day. Note that the CQB training site features in a lot of the scenarios for the following 2 days of Force on Force, so you get to utilize what you just learned.

We are also running the CQB One Day Intro classes in Missouri in Early May and Idaho in Late May, as part of Mobile Classes.