
Review: Texas Alumni Live Fire Class: Sean

Notes about the MVT course.

It was an excellent course, well worth the money.  The amount of class time and exercises that you get for the price is far and away more than any other training that I’ve done as a civilian.

When I first heard of the course, I worried that it might focus on tactics more suited to larger groups of conventional infantry.  I realized soon after starting that the training is well-suited and even optimal for small (3 to 4 people) teams; how to function as such, and how to incorporate and function optimally with other small teams.  I can’t help but think that in a potential scenario of a small or large scale disaster (manmade or otherwise), these tactics are exactly what you would need to do to give you the best chance of staying alive and protecting your family and friends. 

The course takes place over a week; and the pacing was perfect.  It started with basic tactics, and gradually increased in complexity with each following iteration.  It was a great way to gain some insight into your weapon and gear, and how they might perform under field conditions, without having to spend a prolonged time in the field.

Night courses were an invaluable exposure to moving and firing under night vision.  Very helpful in that many of the night exercises were a repeat of the exercises that had just been completed during the day.  It let you start with a level of familiarity that allowed you to focus entirely on using night vision.  It gave valuable insight into the complexities of night operations, and it gave you a great opportunity to test out your night vision under operational conditions. 

Max is an excellent instructor.  He’s very passionate about teaching and imparting his extensive personal experience and knowledge to others.  The classes are succinct, and immediately pertinent, but one of the most enjoyable aspects of his teaching is his flexibility;  he would often pause formal training to incorporate other applicable lessons learned and insights into tactics from his extensive prior experience. 

It was a great week of great training; I look forward to doing it again.