
Patrol Class: LUP vs. Patrol Base

Over the last several weekends I have been working, as I usually do, to improve the ranges at my training site and also digging the new target pits required for some of the tactical exercises on the Patrol Class. These include target pits for the ambush and similar exercises (the tactical exercises on the Patrol Course will all be live firing).
In the process of looking for good areas on my property to run some of these exercises, I have been looking for a place to establish the patrol base. This is for the overnight patrol base exercise on the Sunday night, which itself will involve some surprises. I had identified an area in the woods that would be suited for a class from four to twelve people, and could be adapted as a patrol base for a class of varying sizes.
My original intent was to teach classic light infantry patrol base. However, on recent reflection, I am changing that up.
Instead, I am going to move the focus to teach LUP – which is Lay Up Position. 
You will still get the lesson on Patrol Base, and the LUP will still involve the same procedures of selection, occupation, routine etc. 
However, looking at some of the areas on my property that fitted the requirements for a classic conventional light infantry patrol base, such as an obscure concealed  location on generally flat ground, it occurred to me that this is not ideal for any kind of SHTF or Resistance operation when facing any kind of ‘enemy foreign or domestic’ with an air capability – for both surveillance and attack.
As the leaves fall from the trees and I sit at some of the identified locations on relatively flat spots in the woods, I see the the big sky above me and the ridges on the other side of the valley and I’m thinking – no, let’s change this up. 
So I am going to change the focus to Patrol LUP. What this means is that we will be looking to select an position that offers maximum concealment both from ground and aerial observation. We will be looking for terrain masking and concealing vegetation. We don’t want to be seen by TI/FLIR observation from either neighboring terrain (across the valley) or from the sky. Ideally, we will use the MVT Shield (when in production) to bolster the thermal shielding whilst occupying this LUP.
The focus, for a patrol of up to three teams of four, will be not on digging shell-scrapes and occupying classic triangular style patrol bases, but to literally ‘lay up’ for concealment, rest and administration. Thus we will be seeking somewhere to hide from ground and aerial observation. 
An LUP is something that can be done short term, for a few hours, or longer term such as overnight or laying up during the day before moving again at night. As such, it is probably more apt for SHTF style operations where you may be conducting patrol operations from some sort of home base or retreat. Travel light, freeze at night stuff. 
For a longer term operating base, you will need to consider digging it in and frankly, dragging up stores via ATV or mule in order to put in some sort of longer term forward operating base. 
The procedures for patrol bases still apply to this LUP concept (Patrol Base Post HERE):
  • Hasty Ambush (break track, ambush back trail)
  • Recce
  • Occupation
  • Stand to
  • Clearance patrols
  • Sentries
  • Work Phase
  • Routine
In many ways the difference between a classic patrol base and a patrol LUP is a simple terrain selection difference, in that rather than looking for a suitable obscure flattish area in good concealment, we will be using maximum terrain masking. In practical terms , the LUP will be hidden in a gully or similar feature. This means  that it is less easy to make a layout and ‘track plan’ that follows a more classic triangle or circular formation, but will be more along the lines of a linear base with buddy pairs positioned on each side of the feature, such as a gully.
We will also be looking at some unconventional means of aiding with concealment, such as using fallen trees across the gully to aid in concealment from the air, using a mixture of tarps, branches and leaf litter strung between, and similar techniques. 
If it stops a hellfire missile landing on your during the night, then it s a good thing, right?
Live Hard.
Die Free.