
Patrol Class: Jan 18-20 – Update

I have posted some information on this class HERE.

This class is open to CRCD alumni only. I currently have 8 confirmed bookings on this inaugural Combat Patrol Class, and a whole bunch talking about it! I am more than happy with that, it gives me an 8 man squad, two 4 man teams. I have planned the class to accommodate up to 12 students, or three x 4 man teams. However, given that this is the first class, I was happy to leave it at two teams and keep quiet about the numbers. However, my enthusiasm for planning the ranges and training  has gotten the better of me.

I have been working on opening up a new training area, unseen on the CRCD, for the Patrol Class, the recce patrols, with one particular valley currently being set up for the camp attack/raid, complete with semi-permanent-bad-guy-shanty-hut-patrol-base (complete with realistic bad guys). I have set this up, as with the rest of the course, to accommodate up to a 12 man squad, or three teams, in the assault. This allows the practice of a three team squad (approx. 12 man, give or take) running through the assault cycle as described in this POST: ‘More on The Squad & the Assault Cycle’. It will work either way, with an 8 man or 12 man, or any mix of those numbers.

If there are a few more of you out there who would like to sign up for the class, we can up it from two to three teams and this will give everyone an increased training value with the three team squad.

I just want to see that enemy camp rolled up with a three team squad!

Bookings HERE.

Live Hard.

Die Free.
