MVT Tactical Training Targets
I updated the Combat Team Tactics page with a little on the electronic pop-up targets that we use. Here is an extract:
This video shows the PT 61-A electronic pop-up targets that are used on the tactical ranges:
Electronic pop-up targets in use on the Combat Team Tactics class to train individual reaction drills (RTR):
And here:
The targets used in the two video clips above, which are dated, are the two dimensional Ivan backers, whcih had Ivan facers stapled on, that had wilted with the rain. I now use the three dimensional plastic targets as shown below:
Below: IVAN 3-D target as used currently used at MVT. Attached to the PT 61-A, laying in a target pit ready to go.
Below: Ivan 3-D short wide target.
When I get a chance, I’ll get some video of the targets in action, falling when hit and some round strike.