
MVT Forum: Ongoing non-fiction writing contest, with *Prizes*


We have just opened up the new non-fiction writing competition on the MVT Forum.

What is it?

A 1,500 minimum word non-fiction writing contest, each round 2 months long. Each round, and prizes are listed in threads on the ‘MVT Forum Writing Contest’ forum. Articles on tactics, survival, and preparedness will be judged by the moderator panel for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes every two months. After each round, articles will be moved out to the relevant subject matter forum.

Each round will last for two months. The first round will run from now until 31 October to get in sync.


Basic prizes will be as follows, unless amended or added to by sponsors, for each round:

First Prize: A gift certificate for a 3 day MVT Training class @ $500 value. 

Second Prize: A $250 gift certificate towards any listed MVT Gear products.

Third Prize: Hard copies of of ‘Contact!’ ‘Patriot Dawn’ and ‘Patriot Rising.’

Sponsors: if any company wishes to add prizes to the list for any particular round, as sponsorship, please email

Entries: As a forum member, simply post the minimum 1,500 word article in the ‘MVT Forum Writing Contest’ forum. Do not place it into the relevant subject matter forum, simply in the writing contest forum. Following each round, each entry will be moved to the relevant subject matter forum, where it will remain.

Entries must be in line with the MVT Forum policy statement:

MVT Forum: A Tactical Forum for the Armed Citizen.

Vision: to provide a forum for the constructive discussion of all matters tactical and related. To do this while remaining free from dogma, or falling into narrow thinking. An open minded and constructive approach.

Intent: to educate civilians in the correct ways to conduct tactics, and hence increase the survivability and effectiveness of such civilians when facing tactical threats.

To avoid: narrow thinking, civil disorder against legitimate government, terrorist threats, and radical political agendas. All crazy far out theories, whether true or not! Legitimacy is imperative. Acceptable: discussions on Liberty and threats to it, societal collapse, and fighting potential enemies foreign or domestic. Resistance to threats of tyranny, foreign invasion or the like.

As a ageneral idea, articles broadly on tactics, survival, preparedness, or topics in line with any of the sub-forum topics are welcome. Entries that fall outside the scope will be moderated.

You will need to be a forum member @ $25 annual subscription  to enter this contest. The MVT Forum has huge value as is, without accounting for the added opportunity to participate and win these prizes.

The terms of the competiton may be amended over time, and this will be announced as each round is announced in the writing contest forum.
