
Married Couple Student Review (California): Combined 6 Day Class April 2015



This combined class is absolutely worth it. It has the perfect blend of fundamentals, theory, and progressive drills to get you to the next level. The site location, its terrain, the range equipment and the training method, all contribute at creating a teaching ‘bubble’ that keeps the student at his highest performing state. I would definitely come back and take it again to focus on certain aspects on my training. Highly recommended.

Note: Getting to the class from California was its own challenge, but not as hard as it sounds. Encouraged by a review by an alum from San Diego, my wife and I flew from LAX to Dulles. The flight is 5 hours. Getting the guns through the airports was not a big deal. After the class we had left over ammo so we mailed it home at a UPS Service Center (not store) in the original shipping box with the blue OMD sticker on it. There is one in Cumberland, WV, but we used the one in Front Royal, VA on the way to Dulles.


This course was great! The course structure made my lack of prior military training unnecessary. The demands are high, but achievable even by a woman like me. The lectures were concise, clear and well paced. Everything Max told us and had us practice in drills progressed into a cohesive whole. The building of the teams and the team mindset was vital. Max guided this with skill. Everything he did was with safety in mind, and with care for us as individuals and teams. I learned what was good about my gear, what was superfluous, and what I might want to add later. The pop-up targets gave me immediate feedback on the accuracy of my shots, even at distance. There is nothing like running in the rain, with a full load, on muddy ground covered in logs, sharp rocks and leaf litter, to teach you to handle your weapon safely and effectively. The CP class took everything we learned in CTT and applied it to ambush, reconnaissance and raid. Looking back, I am just blown away by the amount I learned, and eager for more.


(The 6 day combined classes were provided after student feedback from long distance travelers, who wanted to reduce travel costs and combine CTT and Combat Patrol).

The Raid from the class: