Land Nav Class – Responses
I have two Land Navigation classes upcoming.:
June 8/9 is a Monday/Tuesday and follows directly on from the June 5-7 CTT class. There is a small group attending that. See HERE for class discounts on CTT etc).
June 20/21 is a Saturday/Sunday and that has far greater attendance. There is however more space because Land Nav is not limited to spaces like the tactical live firing classes are.
The main point for writing this post is that I saw some comments around and about, forum etc, taking about attending but I haven’t necessarily received emails or payment for that. Please don’t expect me to be able to follow up (or even see) forum comments; please email me directly.
For Land Navigation, the gear list is fairly straightforward and is published on the website HERE.
Meet time: 0800hrs, MVT parking lot. Ensure that once you book, you receive a copy of the site directions packet.
If you are not alumni and have not received a directions packet to the training site yet, please email me and I will get my admin squared away….;-)
Thank you.