Impacts to MVT Training of COVID-19
Due to travel restrictions / stay at home orders we had to reschedule the March 26 HEAT 1 Class and the April 3rd Night Operations Class. All students have been either rescheduled onto future classes of their choice, or allocated to the rescheduled class which has been added on 27 August.
At this time, we are looking at the viability of the 23 April HEAT 1 class. No decisions have been made. We are looking at what restrictions between Virginia, West Virginia and otherwise impacting student travel may affect the running of the class.
For the 23 April HEAT 1 class, which is clearly the next one that may be impacted, I will also be asking for feedback from booked students as to how their travel may be affected. We are being as flexible as possible and will reschedule as necessary. This can be in the form of a redistribution to other classes or another new class added to the calendar towards the end of the year.
If, due individual student to requests to reschedule due to personal situations, class numbers fall too low for a class that is affected by the virus, then the remaining students will be rescheduled after a decision to cancel. If Federal or State regulations force a reschedule, we will do as we have done for the March 26 Class.
We are being as flexible as possible as these restrictions extend over a longer timeline.
For 2020 classes: