CRCD 26/27 April – 3 x AAR/Comments
These AAR/Comments on the 26/27 April CRCD came in as comments on this post: ‘A Great CRCD Class! + Comment’:
Brian B:
As the father of the 15 yr. old you mentioned at the beginning of this article, I have to say thank you for a great weekend of training. My son and I learned so much that I almost feel I owe you more money!
The training was top notch and was as good as or better than any of the infantry training I received in the late 1980′s.
We WILL be back in the near future for the patrol class or maybe even to do the CRCD again. It was that good!
Thanks again Max and Aaron.
Barry (Florida):
Hey Max,
Good stuff this weekend! I hesitate to report my thoughts on your classes because it makes it more difficult to find openings in your class schedule for me! Good to get to know you and Aaron and allowing us to pick your brains and broad based experience. To those who may be considering training with Max Velocity Tactical I would say… DO IT! My training buddy and I collectively have a fair amount of training between us, with some renown trainers and can attest that MVT need not concede anything to them.
Top shelf training in a real life environment, that challenges your preconceived paradigms on tactics, PT, gear and what you “think” you know, combine for a great value training experience. God willing, see you again soon Max!
I just got settle from traveling Monday and wanted to comment here on the April 26 MVT CRCD class while still fresh in my mind. I’ll get right to the meat and potatoes.
This was my first class with MVTactical and also meeting the man himself. It is evident that both Max and his AI, Aaron, have extensive experience in various theaters of war (read his bio). Given the inherent complexities of small unit tactics, Max does an excellent job teaching this and dovetailing it to the requirements of the smaller, “prepper” families and communities. This was not my first SUT class but what sets apart MVT’s curriculum from other classes I’ve attended is his qualifications to teach it. In fact “over qualified” might be an appropriate term here.
He has love for this country and understands its Constitutional principles. I can tell this because he enjoys sharing his wealth of experience with us “civilians”. I would best describe him as British by birth but American by choice. That being said, I can see he still enjoys his “tea”.
For those who didn’t make the class, we had a special guest speaker (name withheld out of respect for his privacy). It was an open forum on Nuclear, Chemical and Biological topics and the question/answer period was incredibly eye opening. Many, many internet myths were dispelled and all I can say is “wow”. Thanks again Max for providing us with that opportunity to speak to an expert.
Whether it be societal collapse, natural/man-made disasters or roving hordes or cannibalistic San Franciscan bikers(?), everyone can benefit to be better prepared. But, get the proper training NOW, while you still can.
Thanks guys.