CQB Hut Raffle Result
The CQB Hut Raffle has been drawn, and the winner notified. If you didn’t get an email, it isn’t you! He may decide to declare himself on the forum, but I will leave that up to him. Robert from JRH Enterprises has been notified, and will be sending him the FLIT TK. Thanks to Robert for his generosity and for making this raffle happen!
Meanwhile, as a result of your generous donations: ‘Upgrading the CQB Hut Site.‘
Photos from a volunteer work party this weekend, doing the next build phase on the CQB Hut Site. These huts are used as a UTM and scenario training objective and are incorporated into the following classes:
Note the size of the doorways. Standard opening, residential size. Before you start trying to fit yourself through doors such as that, you ought to give the following post a read. Consider the MVT Gear Philosophy and how you can build a similar gear loudout. Consider a ‘Lite’ Battle belt and a well made chest rig – this will reduce getting hung up in doorways. Your battle belt should be low profile and close to the hips, and a with a good chest rig the load is carried within the triangle of your chest/arms when entering with your rifle, so it doe not stick out or take up space that could cause a hang up.
‘Gear: Purpose, Use, Your Functional Gear System.’
Above: Student running a Special Operations Forces (SOR) Rig attached to a PC with the PC Attachment Kit.
Above: SOR in Ranger Green. All MVT gear is available in Coyote Brown, Ranger Green and Multicam.
Here is a video of the huts previously in use as part of a Force on Force Class: