Commsprepper Video: Comms Site & FLIR detection @ MVT Combat Patrol
Commsprepper provides another enemy communications site as one of the objectives for reconnaissance on the MVT Combat Patrol Class.
He is using a FLIR Scout II 320. It is an excellent example of the effectiveness of the FLIR thermal imagers.
If you are looking for FLIR or Night Vision, you would do well to give Robert at JRH Enterprises a call. Robert is a multi-class MVT alumni and a straight shooter. He will even give you a discount if you are an MVT alumni. How can you beat that?
RAFFLE: FLIR SCOUT TK!!! For the CQB Site Build.
In order to raise donations to complete the CQB site build, JRH Enterprises is donating a FLIR SCOUT TK, currently worth $600. FLIR is raising the price on these next month to $750.
Each ticket will cost $50. The raffle is to raise money to complete the CQB Site Build. We have a target of $3,500 to complete the buildings, extending them both, roofing them, and putting doors and protective / removable windows on. We are currently at $1,350.
We use the CQB site extensively, for scenario training, as part of Combat Patrol (recon objective), for CQB training and Force on Force (using UTM rounds). The site is shown in the video by Commsprepper, below.
Please use the payment button at the link below to purchase tickets. Please annotate your donation with CQB Site Raffle x (how many tickets @ $50 each).
I am currently planning on doing the draw at the December 10-11 Force on Force Team Tactics weekend.
Donate Payment Button
Thank you for your generosity, and no doubt much training value will be had by you and others at class from the improved site.