Combat Patrol October 13-16 / Complimentary Issue of MVT Tactical Handbook
There is space available on the Combat Patrol (CP) Class October 13-16 2016. This is an excellent class that builds directly on Combat Team Tactics (CTT) and focusses on learning rather than simply being ‘hard core.’
You can learn more about this 4 day class in these Student Reviews:
‘Student Review: New 4 Day Combat Patrol Class July 2016: Larry‘
‘Student Review: Combat Patrol July 2016: Bob‘
I have previously mentioned that I am writing the MVT Tactical Handbook. The intent of this book is to be an alternative to the Ranger Handbook for armed citizens, and also to include the training that we do at MVT, including CTT and CP. It will therefore be a very useful field guide for both training and operations, a different product from the manual ‘Contact!’ It will be both a distillation and a different product to ‘Contact!’
For the Octobert 13-16 Combat Patrol class, I am offering this as a complimentary item. Even if I am delayed in getting the book published, I will still owe you and send you a copy as soon as it is. Idealy, I will be able to hand you a copy at class, in lieu of notes.
Please email me if you are interested in the October 13-16 CP Class @