Classes 2024: A New Approach
I have made a couple of changes to the website:
1) I had previously removed the publicly viewable ‘Training Calendar’ page from the website. I had placed the schedule on the forum. This meant that you had to be registered on the Forum in order to view the training schedule (registration is free). What this did was result in a bunch of emails asking me if I was still running classes. Yes, there was an explanation on the various pages, and a link to get there, but people wanted immediate gratification and the system wasn’t really working. I have now replaced the page, and you can find the Training Calendar under the training tab on the top menu, or you can click on the link below:
2) For a while now, I have had a system running on the forum, where students would get together and let me know what type, and when, they would like to see classes. This all takes place on the forum and the explanatory link is below. This relied on active participation both on the forum, and in the organizing classes sub-forum. It also relied on follow-through once I had the required number of people for a class, for the students to send in the deposits, because without a deposit the class isn’t real. For the most part, this system has been successful, with a number of students clubbing together to make classes happen. The classes that are scheduled for 2024 on the training calendar, reflect this.
Additional training opportunities are organized in the MVT Training Club on the MVT Forum.
3) Moving forwards, I am going to take a hybrid approach. There still remain a number of months that do not have a class scheduled. I have posted in the forum asking about those months, and what students would prefer to see. I will wait on those responses. Beyond that, I will schedule classes. If you are interested in being part of that discussion, I have posted about it on this forum link (free registration): Classes 2024: A New Approach.
4) The original purpose of the forum was to allow free discussion of tactical topics between students. Back then, I had been prolifically posting on the blog, and that made me very active in moderating blog comments. I created the forum to allow that free discussion without the requirement to moderate all comments. And yes, you have to moderate comments on a blog, or you get all sorts of crazy and/or spam coming in, it’s just a necessary aspect of the internet. The forum remains a great library of tactical topics and it is well worth taking a look at it. I notice that recently, not many people are writing on the forum, or asking questions. That is a shame because there are a number of subject matter experts (SME’s) on the forum and they will answer your questions. If you don’t feel qualified enough to write about something, ask a question – I have heard that from many forum members, and really it’s just asking questions that will get the discussion started.