Change to MVT SHIELD Ordering Process
As of this post, I am only taking orders for the MVT SHIELD via check/cash/money order to the mailing address: 7371 Atlas Walk Way #122, Gainesville, VA 20155.
I have taken the PayPal button off the MVT SHIELD page due to problems I have experienced with PayPal over the last 48 hours.
For those of you who have already ordered via PayPal, don’t worry, we have your orders and they are in the queue.
Remember, there is a waiting list and a wait time which will be up to around eight weeks for those who ordered towards the end of the initial rush. Once we get over that production hump, wait times will reduce. I know many of you will have already received your MVT SHIELDS. Andy & Cate are eager for feedback: there is a section on the forum HERE for photos of your MVT SHIELD in operation/customized. If you email me reviews / photos I will also put them up on the new section I have created for that purpose on the website HERE.
As for PayPal, I will continue to use PayPal buttons for payment for classes until I can find a better alternative. I may go to mailed checks /money orders for all of my bookings. Feel free to go the mail route anyway.
I can’t put my finger on it with PayPal, but they were all over me about the sales of the SHIELD. They won’t of course ever tell me if they were put up to it due to the nature of the product. They were telling me it was a business risk with the volume of orders and the fact that I ship by third party (Andy) so it’s not recorded on the site, and I also have a wait list. They wanted to freeze most of my assets as a ‘reserve.’ Fucking pirates. I’ve been negotiating with them and I am resolving it – however, my intent now is simply to resolve it, free up the rest of the cash they have hostage by jumping through their hoops, mostly stop using their services, and seek an alternative.
Of course, this is based on not one single customer compliant and no problems from me throughout the time that Max Velocity Tactical has had an account with them.
Political, anyone?
So, I’m minimizing Paypal. Why? You all know the answer to that by now:
Image courtesy of Submariner
Looking at that photo, I think we need to have a ‘Because fuck you, that’s why” photo caption competition – any takers?
Here’s one for the drone operators:
Live Hard.
Die Free.