
Away on training until 26 July


I am currently away on training until July 26 2014. I will have sporadic and occasional access to smartphone internet/my computer. Please bear with me.

There may be delays with:
1) Responding to your email questions.
2) Moderating blog comments.
3) Sending out class information packets for new bookings.
I will moderate comments and respond to emails when  I can.
There will be some automatic re-posting of past articles that you may not have read.
If I do not reply to your email within a reasonable time after the 26th July, please re-send the email.
In the meantime, I direct your attention to the MVT Forum.

Also, there are some 600-odd posts on the blog, somewhat categorized in the right menu bar, and also listed chronologically. Enough to to be getting on with.
If you are feeling particularly adventurous, there are some useful books out there, which you can buy on Amazon for a reasonable price (no secret squirrel shenanigans here at MVT):
Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival
Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises
BTW: the sequel to ‘Patriot Dawn‘ has been sketched out , and several chapters were written, before events and adventures with the MVT training site and classes took my time away from that. I hope to get back to writing it after the summer. Thanks for your patience.
Live Hard.
Die Free.