
AAR #3: CRCD/Patrol April 5-9 – Rob

Combinied Class Group Apr
The previous AAR’s do a great job and I’d be hard pressed to improve so I won’t re-hash other than to briefly confirm it’s physically demanding, mentally challenging and Max is a real professional, an excellent instructor and I’d follow him into battle. Nough said there.

What I also saw was other side of the coin. Sure, it’s great to know how to do break contact, conduct ambushes and raids but it’s just as valuable to know how these might be employed against you. This gives you an edge when defending. As an example, Instead of just seeing the frontal assault, (Fire Suppression) you know it’s just a prelude to something else like maybe a flank attack. Knowing this gives you an advantage in planning and reaction.

Planning. This isn’t about just going out there and throwing lead at the bad guys. Max teaches you what to do, why you do it, how to plan it, rehearse it and then finally employ it. You’ll be amazed how much time & effort goes into successfully pulling this stuff off.

Lastly, the training provides some real stress inoculation. Some of the sights, sounds and smells of battle. You’ll never get this on a square range. So my suggestion is this. Go to the square range tacticool training. Learn how to shoot well and be safe, how to manipulate your weapon and re-mediate malfunctions . When you got that down, go see Max. You don’t want to try and learn all that stuff while your trying to learn what Max has to teach you. Or better yet, attend Max’s Combat Transition Class as part of another course, right?

(Oh, yeah…don’t be surprised if you find yourself ending sentence’s with…right? Thx Max.)
