AAR # 2 – Sept 14/14 CRCD Training Weekend
I attended the September 14/15 session of Max’s CRCD course.
Of the 12 participants, almost all were career civilians like myself with a few military veterans. It was a good group that was motivated to learn.
We all had a similar focus – to prepare ourselves to protect our families from danger.
I came in with a fair amount of “precision shooting” experience and absolutely no tactical training beyond reading manuals, blog posts and watching video.
All my shooting had been on a square range with my target conveniently labeled with a big number and at an exact range. I always had time to prepare for shots and did well hitting the targets.
I am in decent shape for a 48 year old man. I used to rock climb and play hockey, but that’s been a while. I work a desk job, eat decent food and fit in exercise wherever I can.
Out in the hills, carrying a full battle belt and engaging targets as they appeared was a bit of a wakeup call. Marksmanship is important. It is not a cure-all.
It is vitally important to learn contact drills. Owning a bunch of rifles and a pile of ammunition won’t automatically keep you safe.
In the real world, bad guys don’t make themselves available at 500 yards and allow you to take them down.
It’s more devious than that. You can go from a “normal” day to being attacked in a split second. You also have to be able to control the area around your house.
If you come under fire, you need to be able to immediately react to it properly, without thinking or discussing anything. You may not get a second chance.
One of the veteran guys put it this way – reacting to contact should be done with as much thought as using a turn signal when you’re driving. It has to be automatic for you and your team.
Max did an outstanding job taking everyone from simple drills and into two and four man contact drills.
The class really is ego-free. Nobody was trying to impress anybody. It wasn’t a contest. It’s all about learning what needs to be learned.
Max’s recent comments about fitness and gear are spot on. All the preps in the world will be useless if you’re not in shape.
I’d recommend leaving body armor at home and pare down the gear you carry if you need to. West Virginia is still uphill everywhere you go, as we used to say.
That said, don’t let fitness stop you from attending as soon as possible. He will adjust for you and you will learn. You will head home with new knowledge and a new hobby – getting in shape.
Start simple – Do some stretches and pushups every morning when you first wake up. Eat real food. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Cut your own grass. Chop and stack your own firewood. Park at the far end of the lot. Turn off the TV and walk somewhere, then run.
That kind of thing got me thru the first course OK. Now I need to get serious. This is not a drill.
I highly recommend taking the course. I was by myself this time. I plan to return with my friends to work on the teamwork.
BD, Virginia