
Student Review: Land Navigation 8/9 June 2015: Antony

Land Nav June 8-9

Simply put, Max’s 2 day Land Nav course is well worth your time of commitment and expense.

I have been interested in land nav for quite some time and have done a lot of reading on the subject matter and even took a basic course. I mainly used map reading for hiking and thought I was fairly decent with it until I had to actually do it while using terrain association and a compass to locate specific points in the woods. This was a good challenge for me that initially was frustrating.

In the end, after 2 days of instruction I felt more confident in my abilities and really liked Max’s customized method of instruction which highly utilized terrain association but also incorporated pace counting and other methods when applicable.

I highly recommend taking this course for obvious reasons, and for the prelude to the Rifleman’s Challenge.
