Student Review: Combat Rifle Manipulation (CRM) Class 31 May – 01 June – JohnyMac
TC3/RMP and CRM Review
I attended MVT (Max Velocity Training) classes May 30, 31 & June 1. This AAR (After Action Report) is a review of the three classes, some observations and recommendations for future students.
TC3 was a four hour class that involved identifying and treatment, (in the correct order) of life threatening injuries, to maximize survival caused by massive hemorrhage till evacuation could be executed upon.
Overall I would rate this class a “4” on a 1-5 scale where 5 is perfect. I deducted 1 point because the class left me wanting for more. In my opinion, this class should be a full day event where students bring and then use items in the IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) of the injured person. Yes this will cost some money but not unlike the cost of running ammo for MVT other classes. There is nothing better than “hands on” experience.
(Max: This class was changed to a half day to allow Rifle Manipulation Primer (RMP) to take place in the afternoon, while taking up as little vacation time for attendees as possible (Going to a Thursday was not felt to be workable for most students). Given the topic of the weekdn, either CRM or CRCD, we felt the RMP class is very importnat. If you want longer duration TC3 training, I can work a private class or you should go to a specialist medical schoolhouse).
RMP was a four hour class to prep students for certain tasks that CRCD students would encounter in the following two day class. Tasks like: Magazine manipulation, rifle malfunction recovery, safety and etcetera
Overall I would rate this class a “5” using the above mentioned criteria as a precursor to CRCD. For me though, it was totally frustrating due to my lack of AR 15 experience. Thank heavens for CRM which I took the following two days and will address later in this review.
In order for the reader to understand where I am coming from for the CRM part of this review, I think a little background of old JohnyMac is appropriate.
First, I am a prepper, second I am not a soldier and when the SHTF does happen I will probably fall more into the preppers/defend the community/auxiliary function. I have no illusion’s of leading like minded men & women against the statist government (s).
The training classes I have taken in the past was limited to handgun manipulation as I have a CCW (Conceal Carry With) and an interest in handguns.
I hunt small and large game using shotgun, small caliber rifle & handgun, flint lock rifle and love vintage Savage model 99 in all calibers. Until post the 2008 Presidential election, I had no desire to own a “black ugly rifle.”
In 2005 my family started to prep in earnest. We purchased property and built a 250 sf start-up cabin followed by a 1,400 sf log cabin in 2010. Much of which I have reported on here and other forums.
Purchased “Beans, Band-Aides and Bullets along with the tools needed like: Tractors, chain saws, solar panels, plows, disc-ers, deep cycle batteries, black ugly rifles, and other survival related items.
Then one day I found myself staring at the last two items on my prepping “bucket list” – Physical fitness and combat training.
I started in earnest on my physical fitness (PT) about two months ago. Since that time I have lost 16 pounds which is about half-way to my goal of being at 200 pounds by the fall of this year.
At the same time of my renewed interest in PT I started to review combat type classes offered on the east coast. After much review (I tend to research things ad nauseam before I commit) I decided on MVT as my main education academy for this needed skill.
CRM was a two day class. Day one was a repeat of RPM but done over eight hours rather than the earlier day’s four hour class. This was perfect for me which helped a “non AR guy” learn by using “building blocks” of combat rifle manipulation like: Magazine changes, rifle clearages, shooting positions, movement under fire, etcetera, to feel confident with my rifle and “battle rattle.”
The second day involved primarily movement while using the building blocks learned during the first day and RMP. By the end of the two day class I was managing my AR & kit rather than my AR & kit managing me.
Overall, I would rate the CRM class a “5” using the above mentioned rating. It is absolutely a must if your background is anywhere similar to mine. If you are an AR aficionado (Several of my team members were) I think that this class would be important to add to your “must take” rifle manipulation class “bucket list.”
As one of my more gun savvy team mates shared with the group during the debriefing at the end of the CRM course (AAR for you military types); This course was outstanding and he had learned things that were not taught in previous classes with other training professionals.
It goes without argument, Max is a very good trainer; However, I want to take this opportunity to speak of our training instructor, Aaron. He handled adults as adults should be coached and trained.
I have trained thousands of adults over my career in both small and large groups and have attended many training sessions too. The successful trainers always know the write balance between curriculum, humor and the most important ingredient… “The Why!”
Adults want to know why before they will give the trainer 100% commitment on an exercise. Aaron did a great job of taking the time to use this step!
In closing, get off your butt and get in shape. There are plenty of mind sets out there on how to do that however it really comes down to commitment from you.
Then sign up and get some training! Whether you go with MVT or someone else – Get some bloody training!
I will say though, if you go with MVT you will be 100% satisfied. You have the JohnyMac seal of approval here. NOW DO IT!
Post Script:
When you attend any of MVT classes here is a must bring, should bring and would be kind of nice list, over and above what Max asks you to bring.
Arm & knee pads
- Sun screen
- Insect repellent
- Hand sanitizer
- Fluids (Water, Gatorade, Unsweetened Ice Tea, etc.)
- Gloves
- Hat
- Coffee (hot or cold)
- Back-up weapon systems and gear (One is none, two is one)
- Note Book and several stylists
- Cooler with ice if you like cool drinks
- Back-up toilet paper
- Paper towels
- “Cotton” bath towel
- Camera
- Snacks
- Gunsmith tools
- Extra socks and foot powder
- Extra pair of boots (I like rotating my boots every other day)