VIDEO: Team Training, Fallujah Ranges
A good illustration of vehicle mounted and dismounted protection drills for high threat and combat environments. In this training video, there is a ‘client’ but the TTPs will work just as well without.
This is some team training from Camp Fallujah ranges back in 2006. The illustrated drills are a good demonstration, but they are not perfect: it was simply a team training day on the ranges, not a staged demonstration.
Those who have read ‘Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival’ or ‘Rapid Fire! Tactics for High Threat, Protection and Combat Operations’ will be familiar with some of the demonstrated drills.
In one of the dismounted drills, there is a delay, but that was simply one of the team members having a stoppage on the SAW: he was filling in for the day with the SAW and it slows the drill while he clears it. Royal Marines: what can you do?
Disclaimer: the music is not mine, turn it down if you don’t like it!