
2018 Classes / Curriculum + Fitness Prerequisites

I have been updating the website and class offerings.

The fitness prerequisite has been created and added to each Tactical Training page, and a page created in the Tactical Training menu. This will be a requirement for 2018. It applies to classes that are listed under the training menu as ‘Tactical Training’ and does not apply to those listed under ‘Firearms Training.’ It has not yet been added to the Force on Force Team Tactics Page, due to there still being an event running with space available on November 4-5.

Click to read about the Tactical Training Fitness Prerequisite

Combat Team Tactics has been updated to a 4 day class and the page updated to reflect that.  This makes CTT 2 days of Combat Rifle Skills and 2 days of Team Tactics. There is a class this weekend and another in November. These classes are still running as an optional Rifle Skills day followed by the 3 days of CTT, but it is a moot point as the November CTT is full at this time.

The Intro to CQB day has gone away prior to FoF (still running 3 November though). Any future FoF will not run with it, it will just be the 2 day FoF event. CQB can be trained a t the full 3 day CQBC classes. We have 16 booked on the November 4-5 FoF class right now, with room for 28.

Next, we need to schedule spring/summer 2018. I took Idaho off the schedule. So that gives us May / June at the VTC. Texas is still running mid-February and has a lot of space available on the first 6 day package – the second 6 day alumni package is almost full with veterans from previous years. I am looking at a smattering of CTT, CQBC, CP, FoF across April – May – June time-frame. Maybe an LRMC if John is available.

I may put on a 6 day in May, replacing Idaho, but at the VTC. That would be a 4 day CTT and a 2 Day Direct Action (ambush / raid). Basically what I just ran at the Georgia mobile class, but with a 2 day CRS at the front.

People are going to ask about alumni options for the new 4 day CTT. I have listed some FAQs / info on that on the updated CTT page. See the link:

Click to visit the Combat Team Tactics Page

Bottom line,  CTT will now be a 4 day class consisting of a Combat Rifle Skills 2 Day (Thursday / Friday) and a Team Tactics 2 Day (Saturday / Sunday). Independent Combat Rifle Skills classes (Saturday / Sunday) will still run with Scott, to be scheduled for 2018, and if you can only get weekends off you can do a weekend CRS and then join a weekend Team Tactics portion, within 6 months of each other.

CTT alumni can email me for options – it may depend on when you did CTT: due to curriculum changes, you may need to show up for the Friday and do a 3 day to get up to speed.

CRCD only alumni are no longer in date in any way shape or form, and need to show up for the full class, in order to get up to speed. Also, CRCD will no longer count towards Combat Patrol as the prerequisite. CTT also needs to be within one year of Combat Patrol to count, unless you have done other training with MVT – you need to email to check. Bottom line, you need to be current and up to speed, and pass the fitness prerequisites, in order to train.

If you have opinions on what classes you want for spring 2018, and when, you can discuss that on the forum. Scheduling is always a challenge, and input is welcome.