2 Spaces Available October 20 – 22 Combat Team Tactics / MVT Training Updates
I am just back in from 3 weeks on the road at mobile classes.
We have 2 spaces available at this time on the October 20 – 22 Combat Team Tactics. Rifle skills is available on the 19th. Night Fire is also available.
Also note:
1) Per discussions on the MVT Forum, I have not yet published the schedule for 2018 (beyond a couple of events i.e.: Texas, Idaho, TacGun Challenge). It will be a lighter schedule.
2) Combat Team Tactics will go to a 4 Day class in 2018. It will be a 2 day full Combat Rifle Skills Class (Thursday / Friday) followed by a 2 day Combat Team Tactics class (Saturday / Sunday). This formally incorporates the currently optional Thursday Rifle Skills class into a two day CRS progression. This is what I have mostly been doing on recent mobile classes. There will be some flexibility, such that if you have attended a CRS class (2 day) within 6 months, you can join on the 2nd or 3rd day of the new 4 day class. Alumni will have similar flexibility of booking so long as their training is current, due to curriculum changes. The old CRCD will no longer suffice, it must a full 3 day CTT.
3) MVT tactical training is a serious business and requires an investment of time in order to be able to progress competently and safely to tactical maneuver and get full bang for your buck in terms of training benefit. Hence the 4 day workup. I am aware that the 4 day class will make it harder for some to attend; thus partially a reason for the planned lighter schedule. I am not concerned to make MVT live fire training overly accessible on a casual basis for the masses: it requires a serious approach and a couple of vacation days to get it done.
4) The lighter schedule will have scope for alumni to approach me (via the forum) and gang up on me to suggest classes that you want and are not on the schedule, The idea being that this allows me to gauge demand better and schedule accordingly, with enough notice (3 months is the standard for students to be able to schedule themselves) . It is always a challenge to put a training schedule out a year in advance, balancing cadre family commitments and guessing at student availability, with scope for scheduling on wrong weekends / holidays etc.
5) People have asked me about the Founding Alumni discount. It is still there, but as per the blog posts on it, it was quite clear that you had to be a paid up forum member to qualify for it. If you are not, and have not been throughout, you will not get an FA discount.
6) If you are not on the MVT Forum, you are missing out. It is where it all happens, and we have rational discussion, analysis, training updates, etc.
7) I am using the Force on Force Team Tactics weekend November 4-5 as my gauge / decision point on how deep to make the cuts into the schedule for 2018. The class is currently viable and running, but I have 28 UTM bolts and lots of space if you want it. This 2 day UTM class has none of the work up requirements of the live fire classes and is thus an excellent way for you and your people to get a taste of tactical training, without any perception of safety concerns, and thus bring people to give them the tactical training bug. For example if young folks think airsoft or paintball is cool, Force on Force will blow their minds. Here at MVT, we have the cool, but it is a closely guarded secret by alumni! Rightly, we should have people kicking down the doors to get on these classes.
8) The MVT facility in Romney WV, the Velocity Tracing Center (VTC) is going from strength to strength and is an excellent facility. So much so that it has attracted the attention of active duty SOF, who have begun using it. They cannot do at Bragg what they do at the VTC to meet team training objectives. With more SOF bookings, thus my reduced concern about offering less classes at a higher quality on the civilian side, requiring more days to attend and thus greater training benefits for you. These SOF bookings also offer opportunities (again via the forum) for alumni to do OPFOR for SOF.
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