Student Review: Texas Alumni Class 2023: Kernel FatBastard

Notes from Max:

The Texas Alumni Class is an annual class. This was our 9th year training at the ranch. It is an alumni class so you must have at least completed HEAT 1 to attend. We have a HEAT 1 class scheduled (West Virginia) on the following dates:

20 – 25 April

13-15 July

For the Texas Alumni Class, we have space available on the third week from Sunday 3 March – Saturday 9 March 2024.

Please email me ( to book any of these classes.

Student Review by Sir Kernel FatBastard, Lord of Whales:

This was my 7th year attending the Texas MVT training. It has become one of the non-negotiable things that I do every year. It always amazes me how Max has been able to build on the curriculum year after year.

There is no other training venue I have attended that has the level of challenge, relationship/teamwork building, and realism that this does. Night vision skills, trauma care, small unit tactics, and realistic scenarios that will allow you to apply the skills learned and push you just far enough out of your comfort zone that you will grow as a human being.

If you haven’t gone to the MVT training in Texas it should be at the top of your priorities, and if you have gone I know you’ll be there again next year because once you’ve trained here nothing else measures up. I have no doubt that if for some reason I wound up in a combat situation, I would have the skills needed to do what has to be done. I would have a much higher likelihood of surviving because of what Max has taught me.

See you in 2024!

Notes from Max:

Classes for 2023 at this time:

HEAT 1: 20 – 23 April

HEAT 2: 4 – 7 May.

RECON: 18 – 21 May

CQB: 22-25 June.

HEAT 1: 13-16 July.

Squad Tactics: 21-24 September.

Night Ops: 27 – 29 Oct.

TEXAS 2024:

Texas 1: Sunday 18 February – Saturday 24 February 2024. Full.

Texas 2: Sunday 25 February – Saturday 2 March 2024. Full.

Texas 3: Sunday 3 March – Saturday 9 March 2024. Space available.

Booking classes: send me an email at to check for space on the class. Then send the deposit ($400) by check or money order to me at:

Max Velocity Tactical, 15191 Montanus Drive #127, Culpeper, VA 22701.

Classes are posted in the MVT FORUM under Training Opportunities in the MVT Training Club.


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