Review: HEAT 0.5 Combat Rifle 7 – 8 Sept 2019 – Tom

During the period 9/7-9/8, 2019 I attended the H.E.A.T. 0.5 class with Max Velocity Tactical. It was an incredible two days. The class is highly recommended to anyone.
I did have a background in the subject matter. Having served in the United States Navy 1975-79, being discharged as a Lieutenant (03) same as an Army/Marine Corps Captain. Serving with a 600 man Naval Mobile Construction Battalion, known as the Seabees. Seabees in construction mode can build any type of military field facility and in combat mode can fight as an infantry battalion. Military skills and doctrines are based on those of the Marine Corps. Thus every man a rifleman. I qualified on the M16 Rifle and numerous times serviced as a Rifle Range Safety Officer.
One could not help but evaluate the Max Velocity Class through my life experience with the Navy. The spirit of high safety standards of the Navy and Marine Corps were met and indeed in many aspects were exceeded in the Max Velocity Tactical class. In a sound bite, “I felt safe.”
I do not believe a student needs to have any prior experience. It might even be advantageous to have no prior experience. No bad habits to break. During the 2 day class we learned far more than the 5 day range qualification in my time in the military. I asked myself, how was that possible? Considering my excellent rifle training received in the military.
First, the instructor Scott has a grand master level of knowledge in the subject matter with 23 years in the U.S. Army Infantry.
Second, the class syllabus was carefully thought out including use of layering. What was a challenge the first day was a habit the second day.
Third, ideal student-to-teacher ratio. In the military we would take 50-100 Seabees and 5-6 Marine Non Commission Officers as instructors to the range with 20 firing positions. So there was wait time for students. There was no idle time in the Max Velocity class. Although students were given ample breaks to drink water and have a good lunch. The lunches really became working lunches with all the questions which students asked.
Fourth, the students were all highly motivated, mature, and responsible.
Fifth, the instructor Scott, is an excellent teacher aside from the subject matter. I submit if he was a high school history teacher he would be evaluated as a world class teacher. He has the right mix of authority so the class is safe and has cohesion, and openness to answer all questions in a respectful matter, with a knowledge-based answer, and in a friendly manner.
It was fun to be in the class and learning. While I have always been a responsible rifle owner I’m a better more responsible rifle owner for taking this class. To Max Velocity Tactical and the instructor, Scott, Job Well Done!