Defensive Concealed handgun, Missouri
MVT NOTE: We have run several classes down in Missouri for the same organizer. Over several years Max and Scott have traveled down there for HEAT 1 & 2, DCH and HEMS. SgtMaj Kinney has been an excellent presence at each class. Please note that MVT does run mobile classes. We have recently added fly-in classes to our capability. The first fly-in class (HEAT 1) has been booked for Idaho for September. Depending on range from Virginia, we will either truck or fly to you.
Please contact us to discuss a class at your location.
Note that Hostile Environment Marksmanship (HEMS) & Defensive Concealed Handgun (DCH) are run by Scott and only require a 25 yard flat range (or suitable substitute area) to run. HEMS is no longer on the schedule, being offered as private booking only. These classes are ideal for Scott to come to you. Scott is an outstanding instructor with years of service and combat experience, retiring as a senior NCO.
More info on mobile classes here: MOBILE CLASSES
Review Follows:
I recently completed the two day Defensive Handgun Class conducted by Scott here in Missouri. I learned more from Scott in the first ten minutes than I did over a 32 year career in the Marine Corps as it relates to the carry and employment of a sidearm. Over my career I carried both the 1911 and the Berretta M9. During my time in service there was no tactical training for the sidearm, just annual qualification. The military services at that time were risk adverse, so much so that during my first tour of duty I guarded nuclear weapons carrying a unloaded 1911 in the holster and two magazines in my mag pouch.
Upon retirement I obtained my conceal carry permit from the state of Missouri which required a half day course, but was more of the legalities of engaging someone in self defense in Missouri rather than how to “run a handgun”. This course bridged the gap for me. The training was first class and this is a direct result of Scott who eats, drinks, sleeps and lives all things handgun. He is an outstanding instructor who has the ability to observe the entire firing line and is quick to correct bad habits, in which I had many. From my perspective the most valuable portions of this training were:
- Dominant hand drills
- Support hand drills
- Barricades
- Tueller Drill – This drill is a eye opener
- Drawing and firing while moving
- Scenario discussions (that can’t ever happen to me) and proper gear which included holsters, gun belts, magazine pouches and medical gear with focus on the tourniquet
I recommend this course to anyone who now carries a handgun or is considering doing so. Another outstanding course offered by Max Velocity Tactical and taught by a great American.
Semper FI.
SgtMaj Bill Kinney USMC (retired)